A generational fight

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Madara grinned at Kai who just stared at him. Hashirama was pushed aside as Kai walked up to Madara. "Tell me boy do you still think you can fight me? After all I easily took down you, Hashirama, and the Nine Tails back in your prime." Madara just chuckled. "I don't need to beat you this time Kaizer." Kai simply laughed before beginning the fight with Madara. Hashirama watched as Kai seemed to exhibit no restraint as Madara was getting no hits in instead being on complete defense. "What is this power Kaizer?" Hashirama didn't know but this wasn't Kaizer this was Kai. The reincarnation of Kaizer had devoted his life to getting stronger then ever. He was leagues above Kaizer at this point. Madara blocked a fist from Kai which pushed him back a few feet before grinning at his friend. Kai narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned to Hashirama. The reincarnated Hokage looked at his friend before gasping when his body refused to respond. Hashirama noticed Kai's shadow was attached to his and he saw his chakra inside it. "I'll leave you to it then Madara." Kai vanished and showed up above the battlefield. Kai saw Sasuke and Naruto were successful as the Nine were freed. "That's Kai." Sasuke had noticed Kai and the others looked up. "It's time you all just die." Kai raised his hand and a ball made of condensed chakra rapidly formed in his hand. "That's Kai's Truth Seeker Orb." Kai stared at the Nine before lowering his hand and the ball dissipated. "Why did you stop?" Naruto yelled but it was Madara who answered. "Because he was keeping you preoccupied for me." Madara had Black Zestu use Rinne Rebirth on him bringing him back to life. Kai touched down next to Madara and the pair faced off against the last fighters. "I'll deal with them you get ready to finish our plan Kaizer." Kai nodded to Madara and started doing some hand signs. Kai watched as Madara defeated both Naruto and Sasuke before sealing the Nine Tailed Beasts away again. The Uchiha then became the next Sage of Six Paths. Kai finished what he was doing before watching as a distortion appeared in front of him. Kai reached his hand into it and pulled out a weapon he never thought he'd see again. This weapon was forged using Madara's help and it was similar to Obito's Sword he used when he was the Sage. Kai looked at Madara. "I'll be here waiting. Go get your eyes back." Madara chuckled before heading to Obito. Kai turned his gaze to see Ignis and the others watching him. "You'd really give up your life just for revenge?" Kai simply pointed his sword at them. "I'll kill you if you try to stop me. I can't stop not again." Kai saw Ignis look at the others who stepped back. Ignis drew Kai's sword and the Otsutsuki chuckled. "Ironic you'd use that to try and stop me." Kai and Ignis ran at each other. "You'll be a good time waster while I wait." True to Kai's words he wasted time while fighting Ignis who realized the strength of Kai in this fight. "You haven't been relying on Kaizer's strength at all have you? Why do you want Kaizer awakened then?" Kai just chuckled. "Because with his power I can shape life itself." Kai kicked Ignis away then turned to see Madara was facing off against a revived Sasuke and Naruto. Kai walked to Madara before chuckling seeing his friend and uncle look at him. "Seems my nephew saw fit to give you guys power like us." Kai grinned before glancing at Madara who looked at him. "Go ahead and have fun. I'll set up the justu." Madara snickered before fighting the duo. Kai watched as Madara went to war with the duo and the man smiled thinking of how far his friends have gotten. Madara managed to achieve his goal though. Project Tsuki No Me was complete and the only ones left awake were Team Seven. Kai walked to Madara who looked at him but gasped when an arm impaled him through the torso. "You damn fool. Good job Zestu finish the plan and bring her back now." Team Seven watched as Zestu used Madara to bring back Kaguya. Kai looked at her and when the Mother of Chakra finally noticed him she flinched. "Brother what are you doing here?" Kai just giggled before seals appeared on his body. "Kaizer what is the meaning of this?" Kai heard Zestu which made him howl with laughter. "Kaguya wasn't the one who sealed Kaizer away. It was her sons Hagoromo and Hamura. They tied his seal to the one they placed on Kaguya. My real goal wasn't to free her but break the seal giving me his power." Kai suddenly was consumed in an orb of chakra that shattered revealing Kai's new form. Kai looked similar to Obito when he was the Ten Tails Jinchuriki except instead of a cloak Kai was bare chest with chakra covering him. The chakra molded itself into black wings and Kai laughed. "Brother what is your plan?" Kai turned to Kaguya before grinning as distortions in space appeared all over the place. "I'm going to avenge my father." Team Seven gasped as they were protected Lobo as Kai fired off Truth Seeker Orbs all over the battlefield. "Lobo what is Kai doing?" Naruto asked the wolf who growled softly. "Kai is going to fight her by himself. Since he just awakened Kaizer's power though I doubt he'll win." Kai ran at Kaguya who started to fight her brother like they use to a life time ago. "What will happen if he wins?" Sasuke asked and Lobo looked at him. "Exactly what you think will happen Uchiha. He will get revenge for Itachi." Ignis watched as this boy his master reincarnated as easily defeated Kaguya. However Ignis noticed something strange about Kai's chakra. It seemed something in it was trying to escape and when ignis focused he realized what it was. Ignis walked to Team Seven and when they looked at him Ignis sighed. "My master is lying. He is doing this for you all." Sasuke saw Ignis look at him. "Especially you young Uchiha." Ignis looked at Kai who was smashing Kaguya's face into the ground. "Kai is so in tune with chakra that his very own reveals his intentions to those who can see it. Kai's anger has consumed his thoughts but deep down he wants to go back to being your family Sasuke." Sasuke looked at Kai who was toying with his opponent. "If that's true why is he so against us helping him?" Ignis chuckled softly. "Because Kai is stubborn even now at this point he'll resist help. It's why he has Lobo guarding you and why he ordered us to protect you guys. You are his family the first to accept him after Itachi." Ignis nodded to Lobo who moved. "I won't let my best friend walk alone anymore!" Naruto yelled and both boys ran to help Kai. "Seems Ignis saw through me after all." Kai sighed when he saw Sasuke and Naruto running to him. When the pair arrived Kai jumped to them. "You know they won't let me live not after what I've done." Naruto looked at Kai. "The Old Man told us what your really doing. I don't know how you pulled it off but he told us your trying to save the Tailed Beasts you have within you." Sasuke saw Kai grin. "That brat of a nephew I swear. Anyway I have her weakened." Kai placed a hand on his uncle and best friend. The pair felt their chakra restored before Kai grinned and focused on Kaguya. "Why are you helping him he plans on destroying the world to avenge his father." Zestu spoke up from Kaguya's sleeve but his words made Kai laugh. "That's what they are here for to stop me if they can. Besides right now Zestu you should be worried about your mother. If I remember right she never could beat Kaizer and I'm well above him." 

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