Start of the End

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Kai had followed Danzo out onto a bridge that would let him leave but Kai created a barrier that wouldn't let anyone in or out. "Lord Danzo we will deal with Kai." Danzo turned around in time to see the psychotic grin of Kai's before watching his two aids explode into meat chunks. As the blood rained down around them Danzo felt helpless watching Kai's maniacal stare focus on him. "Do you remember that night Itachi brought me in? I was a little baby and you wanted me dead because you saw it. You saw Itachi would do whatever it took to save me." Kai's psychotic grin never left his face even when his eyes revealed the hatred in him. "I want you to know I won't make it quick or painless. I want to enjoy your death so get ready Danzo Shimura. You aren't facing Kai or Kaizer. You are facing a man who wants to simply kill the man who caused him a lot of pain." Danzo suddenly felt something impale him repeatedly and when he looked he saw it was wood. "Oh yes Shimura I know the Wood Release in fact I know all of them. I am the third brother of the Sage of Six Paths after all." Kai summoned a ball of pure condensed chakra and grinned at Danzo before the wood kept impaling him intentionally missing anything major. "Just kill me and be done with it!" Danzo looked at Kai and saw the flames growing. The old man knew he was not getting any reprieve. "Tell me did you threaten my father with that choice like Madara says?" Kai's question made Danzo nervous. He noticed his Sharigan were missing. "I took those from you when we were with the others. They are in my possession. Including Shisui's mind you." Danzo touched his right eye and noticed the empty feeling. Suddenly he felt incredible pain from his arm and eye socket. Kai started to laugh watching as his justu started to take over. Danzo felt control over that part of his body fade away and he watched helpless as his arm started to form the wood release. "Goodbye Shimura enjoy your time in hell." Kai finally shot the ball of chakra at Shimura then left as the explosion shook the Summit. Kai brushed passed his uncle and Karin both had witnessed the entire fight. Madara was talking to the Kage but the talking went quiet when he joined. "I will say this once. You all are going to die either way. It's your choice if you want it painless or not. Give up the last two Jinchuriki or my sleepers in your village will awaken." Kai began to laugh before looking at Gaara. "Tell him I'm sorry would ya?" Kai vanished after that and Gaara frowned. Kai showed up at the Akatsuki hideout and he shook his head before looking at the Sharigan he took from Danzo with a loud growl. "I am sorry Shisui I wish you two trusted me more but I was just a child. Well this is how far I would've went for you guys. My first family in this wretched world." Kai implanted the eyes in his own before summoning Ignis. "Get everyone ready I want them guarded even before the war starts and have those three watch over them." Ignis grunts in acknowledgment then leaves alone. "So you implanted them yourself." It was  a statement so Kai just looked at Madara and Sasuke before flashing his brand new Sharigan which was a combination of his old one and Shisui's. "I will be around do not ask me to join your side I am here only to watch over the Uchiha." Kai didn't care he knew they both knew who he meant. "Then why did you attack the Kage?" Kai suddenly had the same psychotic smirk he had during his fight with Danzo. Madara and Sasuke both went on guard when they saw it. "Because what's the fun in helping start a war if I don't participate? I haven't decided which side I'll be on. I might just kill you both then kill everyone for fun!" Kai started laughing before he got quiet and both of the Uchiha watched as blood dripped from his eyes. When Kai looked at them both froze seeing the blood had formed sigils on Kai's face giving him a demonic look. "What could you two do to stop me? Your nothing compared to me anymore." Kai looked at Madara then at Sasuke who felt like Kai was peering into his soul. "Your going to regret fighting me and the others Sasuke. I can tell your still hurting." Kai vanished after that and wasn't heard from until the war began. Madara got a report from a Zestu that Kai has established his own army and they were fighting both sides. The Alliance also received a similar report which concerned both sides. Kai was giggling like a mad man watching as his army killed anyone who got in his way until he arrived where the war was. Kai looked at Ignis before grinning. "Go have fun." With that the night was filled with all sorts of war cries and Kai laughed before vanishing. He showed up in the Alliance HQ surprising everyone. "Kai what are you doing here?" He looked at Tsunade with a grin before looking at Shikamaru's dad who tensed up when the man walked to him. "I'd like to give you something to relay to Naruto and my friends really quick." Kai hands him a letter before walking to Tsunade and smiled. "Ya know you remind me of your grandfather. Don't ask I'm not telling hehe anyway see you all out there. Oh and don't think I won't show you any remorse cause you are my Hokage now. I plan on winning this war and setting my family free." Kai grinned again before returning to the battlefield. Tsunade looked at the Raikage. "Why did he come here personally? My reports have his army is double both ours and the Akatsuki. Hell if my reports are correct Kai could level the entire continent." Tsunade thought back to what he heard from the others. "Because he's toying with us. Kai has always aligned himself with the Kitsune and all he sees this war as is fun. That's why he's messing with us and the Aktasuki." The Raikage looked at Tsunade. "I also believe he's waiting for something." Tsunade thought of Sasuke and bit her lip. Kai had found his way to where Madara, well Tobi now, is at and he chuckled seeing the masked man look at him. "So you have the Jinchuriki out cute. Tell me do you have the Ghedo Statue with you?" Tobi glared at him and he saw Kai giggle before snapping his fingers. The ground shook violently as a massive summon formula appeared behind Kai and Tobi braced as out crawled a dragon that dwarfed all Nine Tail beasts. "What are you!?" Kai roared with laughter at Tobi's question. "I am just a man who wants to destroy this world. Isn't that what you are Tobi? Isn't that why you took on Madara's name? In that sense I am Madara." Kai jumped on the dragon's head and the beast was covered in Kai's Susano'o. Both armies saw that and began to lose hope as Kai started to slaughter them all. 

The Kitsune Shinobi(Naruto Fanfic) Doneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن