Team 7

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The next day Kai was in class having finished graduation yesterday and now was waiting to see what squad he's on. Iruka walked in and everyone got quiet. He told everyone today they'd get their squads. Iruka looked right at Kai who perked up. "Due to your outstanding academic career Kai you've been requested to go see the Hokage." Kai got up and went to the Hokage. There he felt he was being watched but kept acting normal. When he got close to the Hokage's office Kai took a detour then hid himself. From his spot Kai noticed anbu walking by him. "Where'd he go? Ikara you sure the kid went this way?" The one who spoke wore a wolf mask and had grey hair. He also looked like the guy never worked out. "Yes Captain Ishimori. I was tracking his chakra to this place and now he's gone." That was a lady's voice but she wasn't visible. "Alright let's get back to Lord Third." After he made sure they were gone Kai left and went to the office. When he arrived Kai could hear people talking. "I'm telling you sir he knew we were following him. Kai took a detour into an alley then he vanished." Kai smirked then knocked on the door before entering. Everyone looked at him and he stared at Ishimori. "You really think you'd find someone who was trained by Itachi?" Kai smiled at everyone before he walked to Lord Third. The old man didn't react for a second because he swore Kai's eyes had changed. "You needed me gramps?" Hearing Kai Hiruzen smiled and nods. "Indeed my dear boy. I have seen your progress and astonishingly you've shown skill of Anbu level. You also have shown your willing to listen. Among other reasons the elders and I have agreed to step up your education. These two have graciously agreed to teach you what it means to be an Anbu. When I believe your ready I will bring you into my Anbu." Kai got excited at the prospect of already making Anbu. "Lord Third I've read the reports but if you don't mind I'd like to see what Kai has to bring." Kai spun to Captain Ishimori and to the Anbu's surprise Kai smiled but it felt wrong. "Trust me if you want to see we don't need Lord Third's permission." Everyone watched as a mark showed up under Kai's left eye and that eye changed to gold. "Kai you told me you'd behave." Hiruzen's voice made Kai turn to him and the young lad chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "Er sorry Lord Third. I got excited and slipped up." Hiruzen nodded watching Kai's eye return to normal. Kai then grinned like a dork and Hiruzen smiled. "Until I deem you ready I've talked to the Captains and you'll be placed with your brother. Ishimori will bring you to where they are." Kai turned to Ishimori who looked at him. "Next time you want to tail me don't. I'm not like the others I'll know." Ishimori saw the change for a split second before Kai smiled and walked out the room. Ishimori looked at Hiruzen who sighed. "We'll speak later take him to Kakashi." Ishimori nods and leaves. The Anbu Captain found Kai humming to himself outside the building. The song sounded very sad but it captured Ishimori's attention. Kai went quiet and he looked at the adult with his dorky grin. "So tell me why is an Anbu Captain so interested in me? You have my file why do you need to see my abilities?" Ishimori saw the knowing glint in Kai's eyes. "Is it because I'm Itachi's son?" The Captain knew Kai was toying with him the kid already knew. "Anyway Captain whenever you want to fight let me know and we'll fight." Kai waved before heading to Sasuke. Ishimori followed him after calling his squad off. Ikara stayed though and the two felt tense. The kid was confident enough in himself he thought he could take out an Anbu Captain. Along the way the two watched Kai greet everyone like he knew everyone. Which was true Kai wasn't like his uncle he took the time to befriend everyone and he was well loved. However nobody but the Hokage and now them knew he was a wolf in sheep clothing. "I don't think he's hiding who he really is Captain. Ikara caught Ishimori by surprise. "I do believe this cheery happy personality isn't a front. He isn't putting any effort into it and his heartbeat doesn't change when the mask goes up. I think Kai is an actual happy go lucky kid but that other side is the thing he tries to lock away. It only comes out when Kai feels threatened." Ishimori learned a long time ago to trust Ikara. She was able to read anyone correctly even if they only met for a second. If she says Kai can be trusted them Kai has his trust. "Captain I just have one problem. Why did Itachi adopt the kid? He must've known how that would affect things." Ishimori didn't have an answer back then he didn't care for anyone or anything. The two kept following Kai watching him act so casually and when he arrived at the academy Kai chuckled. Ishimori was impressed watching Kai just jump onto the roof using his pure power. "Captain are we sure he isn't one of Guy's?" That made Ishimori laugh before the two left. Kai saw Kakashi Hatake was Team 7's Captain making him excited. He also saw Naruto and Sakura was a part of his squad. "Kai! Your our fourth man!?" Kai grinned at Naruto making the blonde excited. "Hello Kai." Kakashi saw Kai's eyes light up. The two had a brotherly relationship due to the past. "Hiya Big Bro." The others looked at Kai. "This is my big brother. Don't mess with Kakashi or I'll hurt you." The silver haired man chuckled before patting Kai on the head. "Yea me and Kai have met before. Anyways meet us at the training field outside the Leaf tomorrow and don't eat." Kai grinned already knowing what Kakashi has planned.

The Kitsune Shinobi(Naruto Fanfic) DoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon