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Kai watched in fascination as his sword levitated around him. The kitsune told him it was connected to his chakra so it would respond in kind. Right now he was crafting a sheath for it. Once it was done he placed it on his left hip where the sword slipped in. Kai grin thinking of how this sword would help him. After that he was summoned to the Hokage's office. There he was joined by his squad who was tasked to do a bunch of chores. Kai sighed to himself watching Naruto make a fool of himself before yawning. He's bored and in the mood for fun so Kai grabbed Naruto on one mission. He convinced Naruto to pick the biggest dog and watched as the big dog dragged Naruto all over. Kai giggled like a madman. The rest of his team looked at him and he waved. After that Kai wasn't allowed near Naruto while they finish the chores. Once they did the team returned to Hiruzen. However Kai and Naruto were irritated at the chores so they ignored Hiruzen. Naruto started talking to Kai about what he wants for lunch who also told Naruto what he wanted. Sasuke and Sakura listened to them. Hiruzen saw this and grew annoyed. So to teach the boys a lesson Hiruzen gave them a C Rank escort mission. Kai didn't like the scent he was getting outside the door. Kai sighed loudly. "Great a drunk old man is who we are guarding." Kai looked at the others. "I'm out have fun." Kai walked to a window but Kakashi put him in a chokehold. "Now now Kai you wanted a better mission." Kai elbowed Kakashi who let him go with an oof. "Yea I know but I'm not protecting some drunk who is probably lying anyway." Kai opened a window and looked out. "Maybe I'll break a leg who knows." Kai waved before jumping out the window. However he was caught making him sigh. "Captain I wasn't falling for you let me go." Kai heard Ishimori chuckle before lifting him on the roof. "Nah I figured I'd introduce you to my team. Hiruzen was going to have you meet up with us if you hadn't interrupted." Kai giggled and smiled. "Can't keep me bored or shenanigans ensue." Ishimori placed Kai down before he lead the boy to the meet up. They arrived at a spot deep within the forest and Ishimoro whistled. Suddenly there were five masked people in front of Ishimori. "By the way Captain you ever going to tell me why you had an interest in me? Well other then that seal you have." Ishimori looked at Kai who smiled. "When you weren't looking one of my friends searched through your things and found this." Kai showed a scroll that made Ishimori tense. "Tell me why does this scroll have a seal that only works on Ocular Doujustu? It can't be for the Hyuga its only worthwhile on one person. You can't be thinking of sealing Sasuke's Sharigan. The only person this might work on is me isn't it?" Kai still had no hostility to him so Ishimori nods. "Fair enough I am an enigma I assume Hiruzen told you about my eye?" Kai gives the scroll back. "Yes he did and we spent the last few days creating this in case you lose control." Kai nods in agreement. "Good I'm not sure what my eye can do either so I'm glad you have something to stop it. Anyway who are they?" The fact Kai was ok with them sealing away his eye made Ishimori surprised. "These are my men and soon your new comrades." Kai nods as each introduce themselves. Only when it got to Ikara did he grin. "Your the one who was watching me! Your a sensory type aren't you?" Ikara was caught off guard most people are mad they were watched. "Look it's only fair my friends are watching everyone. Besides it's not like I didn't know. You can't fool me or my sense of smell." Kai smiled before glancing at Ishimori. "So just out of curiosity you want to fight me?" Ishimori chuckled before shaking his head. "Unfortunately Hiruzen doesn't want that he does want you to accompany us to deal with a problem." Kai saw everyone was ready and so he shrugged. "I have nothing to bring so ready when you are Captain." Ishimori nods before setting out for the objective. Hiruzen had picked a target that was easy for Ishimori's squad but this was a test for Kai. He's never had to end another life so Hiruzen wanted to see if Kai could. Ishimori glanced at Kai who was trying to talk to Ikara. He was a good kid indeed. Kai glanced at Ishimori sending him a knowing smirk before going back to annoying Ikara. After about three days they arrived and Kai bared his teeth. "Kai what's the matter?" Ishimori was surprised to watch as Kai's eyes turned blood red like the Nine Tailed Fox. Kai looked at Ishimori and calmed down. "Don't worry about it let's finish this mission." Ishimori took a second before telling the group the target. It was the son of one of feudal lord of the Cloud. Ishimori showed everyone a photo of the kid and he noticed Kai didn't even blink. "I'll find him." Kai walked away and Ikara looked at the Captain. "We didn't even tell him where the kid was." Ishimori nods and has his team split off to watch Kai. Each member reported in after about thirty minutes informing Iahimori of Kai's whereabouts. Each one had a single thing in common. They reported his eyes were red again. Kai spent three days stalking his target and when it was time Kai struck. He quickly killed the guards then using his sensory abilities Kai found the kid. Kai didn't even think before plunging his hand through the kid's heart. Kai then wrenched it out and crushed it. Kai growled softly before laying his hand over the kids eyes to close them. "There did I pass your test?" Kai looked over his shoulder at Ishimori who tensed seeing that gold eye again but it seemed this time Kai was intentionally using it.

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