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Kai was humming to himself when he heard the One Tails calling to him. So with one glance at his squad he left a clone before walking to the Tanuki. He found the Sand trio murdering a squad. The redhead took one of their umbrella's and used it to cover himself from the blood. "That's a cool trick. Using sand like that." They looked to see Kai walking to them. They noticed Kai had his sword drawn with red lightning coursing through it. Kai noticed people were watching from a bush and he snickered. He winked right at them and they nearly screamed. "Your brave coming to your death willingly." The redhead spoke making Kai tilt his head. "Who says you could even touch me? I'm Kai by the way." The redhead got excited. "I am Gaara." Gaara suddenly felt a weight on his body he's never felt before. He looked to see red sand covering his body. "I'm known as the Kitsune Shinobi because my eye is something special. If there's anything with chakra in it my eye can break it down and turn into my own. Think of a Sharigan except my eye also learns stuff like your sand. You ever feel fear Gaara?" Kai smirked before creating a monster out of the sand. Kai felt the One Tails go quiet which concerned him. "What is that!?" Kai looked at his creation. It was something he saw in his mind but wasn't sure what it was. "This is my monster and it's a lot stronger then yours." With that the creature roared blasting everyone but Kai away. Kai used his new sand to craft a gourd like Gaara's before humming to himself. "Seems you've started tapping into your Sharigan's power." Kai looked at Kitsune who walked to him then kneeled. "What else can it do?" The fox looked at Kai. "When you awaken your other eye you will unleash your eyes full potential but for now it is just a Sharigan with the exception you can copy Kekkei and unique abilities like you did with the sand. I'd advise caution though your past life hardly used it he claimed he didn't want to end up like his sister. Kaizer said it would he all too easy to give into the power." Kai nods softly before smiling. "Thank you I gotta go back now." Kai ran back to his squad to see Sasuke was awake and had strange markings on his body. Kai jumped in after he snapped a sound ninjas arms. "You really going to kill such a pathetic person?" Everyone looked at Kai who walked up to his uncle and smiled. Just as Sasuke was about to speak the one he hurt started screaming and foaming from the mouth. Kai looked at the guy who looked up to see an evil gleam in Kai's eyes. When the others realized what's happening they looked at Kai in shock. After the acid ate the man's gut Kai smiled before turning to the now dead man's teammates. "You have three seconds to run." The two fled and the Leaf shinobi that are conscious felt scared of Kai. "This isn't time to play in this Forest its either kill or be killed. Get over yourselves if you can't kill then you will never make it as a shinobi. Anyway where's Naruto?" Sakura pointed to a tree base so Kai walked into it and saw a sleeping Naruto. He got a stick and started poking Naruto until he woke up. "Hey Kai!" Kai helped Naruto up then looked at his uncle who was still unsure. "He never flinched when it came to killing." That made Sasuke tense up. "I would know he'd tell me all about his missions." With that Kai left leaving the Leaf ninja confused. Kai followed his squad from the shadows and after a while Kai left. He yawned before humming to himself. A group of ninja surrounded him and he kept humming. "Your stupid for being alone. Give us your scroll or else." Kai looked at the one who spoke and he drew Maestro. Still humming Kai sent his sand into the ground and it began violently shaking. "I don't think you understand." With a raise of his hand Kai watched as every one of the group was impaled by his sand. He walked passed the bodies and hummed to himself again. The second exam ended and Team 7 made it. After a month Kai found himself with Ishimori and the group. "Lord Third wants you with us for the final exam. Your test will be with us." Kai looked at Ishimori before putting his mask on and Ishimori wasn't sure about it. The mask drew attention to his eyes. "Kai where'd you get that?" Kai didn't answer instead he started humming and he drew Maestro. The others watched as he walked to the arena. They followed him and they saw him sit on its roof. There Kai stayed watching each match. When it got to Sasuke versus Gaara Kai was tense and Ishimori noticed. Kai was like a statue hyper fixated on the two. Ishimori heard Gaara scream and that's when Kai was gone. He looked to see Kai had interrupted the fight and had Sasuke behind him. That's when Ishimori noticed feathers falling and he realized Kai figured out the attack. Kai was humming as he poured chakra into his sword watching as red lightning coursed through it. "I'm going to kill you now Gaara." Kai activated his Sharigan and vanished. Sasuke watched as the Sand protecting Gaara vanished leaving only Gaara who was clutching at his cheek. Sasuke saw blood and was surprised. When Kai showed up he had four kunai in his hand and he ignited each one after doing handsigns with that hand. "Fire Style: Pheonix Flower Justu." He threw them at Gaara before running at the redhead. However the other two showed up and managed to get Gaara out of there. "Kai we need you to stay behind and help." Ikara spoke up and he nods before looking at his uncle who nods with a smirk before running off. Kai followed Ikara and he joined up with the other Anbu. He saw some look at him but Ishimori vouched for him. "We need to deal with the snakes they brought." Kai did some handsigns before slamming both hands on the ground. Everyone watched as two massive three head hounds showed up behind Kai. "Master it's so lovely to hear from you again." Kai smiled at them then looked at Ishimori. "Captain we can take the snakes and anyone who gets in our way." Ishimori nods then watched as Kai jumped on top of one of the canines and the three took off. "When did he learn Summoning justu?" Baku spoke but nobody had an answer. Kai was killing the shinobi who attacked his home and was enjoying himself. He knew this was a dangerous addiction to have but ever since that kid he killed a part of him whispered for more. Kai aimed his hand at one of the snakes that charged at him and sand erupted from the ground that wrapped itself around the snakes neck. "Your pathetic." Kai slammed his hand down and everyone watched as the sand crushed its neck. The cerberus dogs Kai brought killed the rest of the snakes before helping tend to the injured. "Hey kid!" Kai looked to see one of the Jonin run to him. "Your one of Kakashi's aren't you?" Kai nodded. "I thought I noticed you with them. Where are your summons taking the injured?" Kai told them to the medics and the Jonin went back to fighting. Kai started humming and he stabbed Maestro into the ground before doing more summons. When he finished he was standing under a massive chameleon with half its face missing. "Master your back!" The chameleon lowered its head and Kai hugged him. "Help me protect anyone wearing the Leaf headband please." The chameleon went invisible and started picking up all of the injured and taking them to where the cerberus duo were. With Kai helping the Sand and Sound shinobi didn't last long. Kai felt the power of the Tanuki go nuts and he looked at Ishimori. "I need to go now!" Kai saw Ishimori nod so he ran watching the world blur past him. He arrived to see Naruto on a big toad facing the Tanuki. He did more handsigns before slamming his hands down. "Summoning Justu!" Kai was covered in smoke and when it cleared the Tanuki looked afraid. Kai was standing on top of a silver wolf with ten tails each one a different color and when the wolf opened its eyes they were the same eyes as Kai. "I won't let you hurt my friends!" The wolf roared blasting trees away and the three titans stood tall. "Kid you didn't tell me you were friends with Kaizer." Naruto looked down at Gamabunta confused. "That's Kai over there who's Kaizer?" Gamabunta didn't answer instead he watched as Kai ontop of the wolf attacked the Tanuki. "Brat brace yourself." Naruto did as the toad said and Kai's wolf made contact with the Tanuki and a shockwave blasted the area. "Naruto I need your help." Gamabunta narrowed his eyes. Kaizer never asked for help. Naruto and the Chief Toad helped Kai end the Tanuki by waking Gaara up. Both boys fell while Kai left on top of his wolf. Kai was alone with the wolf and he hopped down. "So to think my creator would come back for me after decades." Kai looked up to see the wolf looking at him. "Uh Hi I'm Kai. Are you what's on that island waiting for me?" The wolf nods. "We agreed to seal me away in case your plan worked after you had a vision. Seems it did but you don't have your memories. Strange you said you would regain them once you broke the seal." Kai rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "Whoops?" The wolf chuckled then laid his head next to Kai. "Just like your old self come to me Kai and I'll help you." With that the wolf vanished and Kai felt incredibly alone for some reason. Like a part of him just left and he didn't want it to. Kai ran back to his team and smiled seeing Naruto was ok. Kai walked to Gaara who was in no shape to fight and he lifted Gaara up. "Just so you know I would love to be your friend. You've suffered so much because of things out of your control." Gaara saw the genuine smile from Kai and he felt confused. This was his enemy smiling at him. "I hope you learn what true strength means Naruto has and you already have the means to gain true strength." Kai looked up to see Gaara's siblings watching him. "I don't understand you." Gaara spoke up and Kai smiled. "That's ok if you want I'll help you learn." Kai saw the confusion. "It's what friends do. Trust me you'll understand once you realize the truth." Kai helped Gaara up and helped him to his siblings. After that he helped Naruto to the others. "I thought you were going to kill him Kai." Kai shook his head. "He's alone like we use to be Naruto. Because of whatever happened in his past he thinks he has to be alone. I hope after what we said to him he learns that isn't true." Naruto smiled and after that Kai helped everyone get back to the Leaf. 

The Kitsune Shinobi(Naruto Fanfic) DoneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang