Kai's limitless power

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Kai started laughing like a mad man watching as the Ten Tails burned and he glanced over at his friends. He felt his heartache seeing how they looked at him. "Why don't you stop pretending this is what you want and go be with them again?" Kai ignored Ignis who had arrived and instead focused on the Ten Tails which was looking at him. "Sorry sister but I must do this. Sage Art: Divine Star." Kai poured chakra into his hand as a small speck formed that rapidly expanded into the size of an orb. Everyone braced as he threw it at the Ten Tails. The world went deathly silent before all anyone could hear was thunder. The ground shook violently as the orb exploded blinding everyone. When the smoke cleared and everyone's vision returned they saw the Ten Tails was badly hurt. "I'm not done with you yet." Kai's statement had everyone look at him as he began walking towards the Ten Tails. "I don't care who you are or how strong you are. I will not stop until I see her again." Kai raised his hand and another Divine Star formed in his hand. "I'm going to see her if its the last thing I do. I have something I need to ask her." Kai's words confused his friends but to Ignis and his wolf they knew what was going on inside Kai's head. "Sage Art: Divine Star." Kai once again used the justu to harm the Ten Tails. Kai stared up at the Ten Tails before sighing and shaking his head. Kai then looked at Naruto who perked up. "I did what I could. Anymore and I'll kill the Tail Beasts inside the Ten Tails. I don't want that so I leave it to you." With that Kai was gone and the Alliance faced off against an injured Ten Tails. Kai touched down in the Leaf and started walking around. The streets were deathly silent and he wound up in the Uchiha Compound. Kai walked through the buildings thinking back to his childhood. He wound up in the main house and when he entered it Kai sighed before searching for Sasuke's chakra. To his surprise Sasuke was in the Leaf so Kai went to him. Kai placed his Z mask on taking comfort in the familiar grip of the mask. Kai arrived to see Sasuke had his team along with Orochimaru, who was wearing the Reaper Mask, and they had Zestu's laying on the floor. "What are you doing here?" Kai watched everyone go on defense when he spoke. Sasuke relaxed slightly seeing his brother. "What are you doing here Z?" Orochimaru asked Kai who looked at him. "I've come to see what my brother is doing." Kai took his mask off and it showed off Kai's eyes. "I need answers." Kai watched as Orochimaru brought back the first four Hokage. "It's been awhile Tobirama and Hashirama." The first two Hokage looked to see their friend Kaizer looking at them. "Kaizer what are you doing here?" Hashirama asked and Kai just smiled. "I've found a new family to protect Hashirama." The Senju just chuckled before the four focused on Sasuke and the others. Kai drew his weapons and sat before sharpening them. "Kai what are you going to do?" Kai glanced up to see the others were looking at him. "Sasuke if you had to fight Naruto would you?" Sasuke nodded. "If you had to fight me?" At that Sasuke looked surprised. "You still plan on finishing Madara's plan don't you?" Hashirama asked making everyone look at Kai. "I am doing this for revenge against those who took my father from me and to talk to my sister." Sasuke and Hiruzen were surprised Kai is doing this to avenge Itachi. Sasuke thought back to when he saw Itachi again thanks to the Reanimation Justu. "Save my son Sasuke. I have no right to ask you this but I failed in saving him. Only you can save him." Sasuke went to step closer to his nephew but Kai just stood up. "I'm going to bring him back in a world where we can be a family." Kai looked at Sasuke before vanishing. He touched down in the battlefield and there was a loud roar. Kai turned to see a transformed Ten Tails barreling towards him. "You've gotten quite brave you two." Kai looked above the Beast to see Obito and Madara looking at him. Kai smirked and started walking towards the Ten Tails. "Kai get out of the way." Naruto had Kurama run towards his friend but to everyone's shock Kai suddenly was inside a Susano'o that towered over even the Ten Tails. "What kind of monster are you!?" Obito yelled at Kai who was inside the gem on the Susano'o forehead. "I told you already Obito what I am." Kai grabbed the Ten Tails stopping it's momentum then picked it up. Kai had his Susano'o bring the Ten Tails close so he could looked at the two Uchiha controlling. "You both are pathetic having to rely on another's power to achieve your goals." Obito and Madara glare at Kai who just grins before the Susano'o drops the Ten Tails. Kai then surprised everyone by having his Susano'o nail the Ten Tails with a kick sending it back by a few miles. "Kai if you don't relax your going to kill them." Kai looked over at his Susano'os left shoulder to see Ignis as well as his wolves. "He's right your going to kill them at this rate." Kai heard Lobo and he sighed before nodding. "Very well." Kai canceled his Susano'o and as he fell Lobo caught him then the others. "Kai why keep this up what do you have to gain?" Kai turned to his Kitsune. "I want revenge for my father." That surprised Ignis. "I thought you were doing this to see her again?" Kai stared at Ignis. "With her help I planned on reforming this world. Remember what I had her do back then?" Ignis' eyes went wide. "You don't mean to do that do you?" Kai nodded. 

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