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Sasuke had changed Hebi into Taka with the goal of destroying the Leaf. Not only for himself but his nephew and deceased brother. "Where is Kai?" Sasuke and the other members of Taka were at a meeting with Madara and Kisame. "He is currently distracting the Five Great Nations while we come up with a plan to deal with them." Sasuke thought of Kai and how he has changed since three years ago. "You could never have changed him Sasuke. He walked this path for eight years now." Sasuke looked at Madara. "I would know I was watching him at the request of your brother." Kai showed up suddenly covered in blood with half his face missing. "I've come to report I've located the Eight Tails." Kai's face healed rapidly before he looked at Madara. "Take Taka and retrieve it." Kai nods before walking away. Sasuke wasn't sure how to feel about his nephew being this way. Ever since he chose to destroy the Leaf Kai has been distant incredibly so. It hurt Sasuke but he knew his nephew hasn't forgiven him or Itachi. "I'd say give him time but your nephew has never shown forgiveness that I've seen." Madara's words made Sasuke hurt more but he followed after Kai. Kai remained ahead of the group always before he paused. "Continue on ahead to the Cloud village." With that Kai vanished and showed up in the Leaf. He had been called out to by Kurama about something happening in the Leaf. He saw Team Seven with Ishimori's squad. "It seems word has gotten out Kai is still alive. We are to retrieve him and bring him back. Tsunade has given us permission to do so but has decided this is a joint mission. We have no idea the power Kai has gained over the last few years so if we fail to bring him back we are to kill him." Kai chuckled hearing Ishimori.  "I'd like to see you try old man." Kai mumbled before he noticed Ikara looking around. She looked right at him but thankfully he used the transformation justu. Kai was approached by Ikara. "Kid what are you doing out here?" Ikara was sure she felt Kai's chakra near the kid. "I was wondering why an Anbu team and a team of shinobi were gathering." Ikara was surprised the kid knew they were Anbu. "I know your Anbu because of my dad. He use to be an Anbu member like you guys." Kai wanted to wring Ikara's neck but he played the part he assigned himself. "Are you going to get a bad man?" Ikara wanted to tell the kid Kai isn't a bad man but she was told not to speak about the rogue. "Yes we are." Kai smiled like a dope then waved bye before running away. "Who was that Ikara?" Ishimori had noticed the interaction. "A child I thought I sensed Kai's chakra but when I looked it was that kid." Ishimori watched the kid who paused and looked back at them. Ishimori noticed the smirk before the kid walked into an alleyway. "Captain is everything alright?" Ishimori turned to see Kakashi walking to them. "Yes Captain let's begin our mission." After they departed it took them a few hours to find a clue to Kai's whereabouts. That clue was Ignis, Kai's kitsune, waiting for them. "My master has come to talk with you Ishimori and you alone. Please proceed ahead while your comrades wait with me." Ishimori walked ahead and he found Kai waiting for him with two swords drawn. One was pure ebony while the other was the one he had before. "Tell me Captain you ever think we'd actually fight or did you believe back then I wasn't serious about fighting you?" Ishimori looked at Kai who was watching him. "I never take children seriously but I guess you genuinely believed I'd lose to you." Kai grinned showing off his canine. "Back then I was confidant in my strength but I hadn't even scratched the surface of what I could do." Kai sheathed his swords. "You were wrong by the way. I can't die until I save my family." Ishimori was confused until Kai laughed. "Mortals could never truly understand what I want. Itachi didn't Sasuke will never and my best friend with the strongest tail beast has no clue. Tell me Ishimori if you could would you rend the world to shreds if it meant saving what you cherished most? Or like the rest of humanity would you fail?" Kai saw Ishimori was thinking. "I think I'd try to save what I cherish most." Kai paused surprised by that answer and what Ishimori did next. Ishimori took his mask off revealing a face that was the product of war. Kai took note of the damaged flesh and one eye was going blind. But what caught him off guard the most was the warmth he saw in Ishimori's good eye and smile. "I've heard from your team how you suffer Naruto's tail beast has told him about you when he was in the mood. Kai why do you suffer alone?" Kai narrowed his eyes. "Because I must save my family its all I care about. I've already forsaken the Leaf." Ishimori chuckled. "You still suck at lying boy. If you had forsaken us why are you here. I know what you mean to Naruto you've visited him the past three years while he was training with Jiraiya. I bet you did the same to Sasuke." Kai was silent before smirking. "Still that annoying captain of mine from three years ago. I'll be seeing ya Ishimori." Kai vanished leaving Ishimori alone and sad. He put his mask back on then returned to the others. Kai showed up to see Taka had made it to the Cloud. Sasuke watched his nephew do some handsigns before a crow showed up in his hand. "Find him." The crow's eye flashed into Kai's Rinnegan before taking off. "That was Itachi's summoning justu." Kai didn't respond instead he did more handsigns and he sighed. "Do not fail Madara Taka or you'll face me." Kai spoke before vanishing leaving Sasuke concerned even more. Kai showed up in a tree watching the jinchuriki to the eight tails and he sat against it propping a leg up. "To think that was your jinchuriki." Kai showed up in a part of his psyche where all tail beasts were sitting. "He isn't that bad of a guy just annoying." Kai chuckled looking at the eight tails. "Don't lie to me Gyoko I bet he annoyed you." Kai sighed thinking of Itachi and Sasuke before looking at Kurama who had lowered his head to the human. "You all right Kai?" Kai nods and smiled. "Yup I have you guys with me now so all I need to do is end this wretched war." Kurama focused on his brother. "What war Kai?" Kai sighed softly. "The war that's about to happen. Madara isn't going to wait much longer for the last two tail beasts." Kai opened his eyes to see Taka had found Bee and he watched as they engaged him. However Bee an Gyoko proved a lot for the squad so Kai appeared. "You!" Kai stared at Bee. "Tell me Bee do you remember what I told you last time we met?" Kai pushed Sasuke behind him then looked at him. "Back off Uchiha or you'll die." Kai walked towards Bee who summoned Gyoko. "Oooo scary." Kai grinned before doing some handsigns. 

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