Lair of the Snake

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Kai was on the road with his friends and two people he wanted to learn about. Itachi taught him knowledge was power so Kai had sent Ignis to find out more. "How do you know of Itachi. How did he find you?" Kai glanced over his shoulder at the Jonin. "Forgive me Captain but I don't talk to people I don't know. Stranger danger and all that." Sakura looked at Kai confused. "You say you know us but we don't even know your name." Kai smacked his mask. "Whoops forgot I had the mask on. I'm Mitaro and to answer your question Naruto I know Itachi because like I said he saved me from a situation along time ago. How he found me I wasn't hard to find I make my services available to anyone who has no place to go." The captain tensed up. "You help rogues." Kai shrugged before looking at the Captain. "I have no allegiance to any village why do I care if they are rogue or not? Anyone who comes to my home has the right to medical treatment. Besides you can't blame me I was raised by a great man who taught me everyone deserves redemption." Naruto felt the strange masked man punch his arm. "Tell me kid what did Kai mean to you?" Naruto was confused on why the man wanted to know. "Forgive me Itachi told me about your friendship with him when you were younger. I was just curious on what kind of impact the boy had on people." Naruto looked at Sakura both smiling at the antics of their friend. "He was very kind and was loved by everyone. But to us he was someone who would fight anyone if it meant protecting us. I wish I could've saved him. I miss him terribly." Kai felt his heart clench again and it took all he had to not break. "Thank you I know how hard it is to speak of deceased friends." With that the talking ended and they arrived at the bridge. "Kai meant the world to us but even more so to Sasuke." Sakura spoke up catching Kai's attention. "He was his adoptive nephew but they grew up together like brothers. He was the only one Sasuke opened up." Kai nods his head before thinking back to two years ago when he ran into Sasuke after agreeing to help the Akatsuki. He was on a mission to retrieve something, the thing had been forgotten, when he ran into his cousin. It had come out Kai Uchiha was dead due to a stroke and he knew Sasuke heard. When the Uchiha ran into Kai the two had a stare off. "You won't be getting that intel." Kai knew his mask hid his face but Kai hadn't learned how to hide his voice yet. So Kai decided to remain quiet and instead drew his sword. Kai obviously won that fight but he didn't take the intel because Kai learned what the motive behind this mission was. When he left Sasuke told him to tell Itachi he hasn't forgotten Kai. Kai knew Itachi wanted Sasuke to hate him that's why he took Kai that day. Kai left Sasuke some medical supplies to help him then left. Kai completed his mission before facing Madara. "Why didn't you tell me Sasuke was in the area?" Madara looked at Kai. "Because that was the point of the mission. How would we know if you'd be willing to kill if you couldn't hurt your brother." Madara suddenly was pinned to the table with something entering his eye. "I can easily kill you now so why shouldn't I after all I know what you want done and with my power awakening why shouldn't I?" Madara knew he said the wrong thing when he looked up to see that strange yellow eye looking at him. He noticed it was chakra that was around his eye. "So tell me Madara why did you think I wouldn't kill?" Madara felt his eye begin to hurt and that's when he heard the softest growl. "Because we know you miss your friends back in the Leaf. We aren't stupid we know where you go when you leave Kai." Kai stopped before chuckling. "You think that's why I leave? Kai let Madara go then opened his cloak to show Madara decapitated heads of various people. "I don't go because I miss them I go because I get bored and when you leave a kitsune bored shenanigans happen." Kai saw the tremble in Madara's hands which made him laugh. "Don't ever doubt my ability to kill again or else your head will join my collection." With that Kai stopped remembering and he focused on the bridge. "Mitaro you will stay back." The Captain looked at Kai who shrugged. "Good because I don't want to fight if I don't have too." The Captain had disguised himself as Sasori and walked on the bridge. Kabuto showed up and Kai chuckled catching the other threes attention. "He's not alone this was a trap." Kai vanished and before Kabuto could strike he felt something wrap around his neck. "Tell me Orochimaru did you think I'd let you have all the fun?" Kai turned so Kabuto and himself were looking at Orochimaru. "I never thought you'd tag along with the Leaf. Mitaro why join them and not me?" Kai chuckled knowing the snake's game. "Because we may want the same thing we don't have the same standards. Sorry love but I want immortality in a different way." Kai let Kabuto go before feeling the Nine Tails chakra go berserk. Kai sighed looking at Naruto who walked on the bridge and started barking at Orochimaru. "Why don't you ask your masked friend where Sasuke is? The two are closer then you think." Naruto turned to Kai who saw the red chakra. "Heh I'll clean up Orochimaru but after this we are square." Team Seven looked at the masked man who took his cloak off to reveal a body who kept itself fit. "Tell me Team Seven did you ever believe my story? I thought I did a good job but eh too late to fix it now. I am Mitaro and yes I was truthful about belonging to no village I wasn't truthful about the situation Itachi saved me from. I use to be one of Orochimaru's experiments and he sent me out to kill somebody. Itachi killed the person for me and left me to bring the body back." Naruto lunged at Kai who caught the boy by his throat catching everyone by surprise. "Impatient are we boy? Heh fine I'll play with ya." Kai dropped Naruto only to kick him away from the others. "Don't worry I'll save your friend Sakura." The pink haired girl looked at the masked man who walked to Naruto. Naruto was burning up inside thanks to the Nine Tails chakra. "So tell me Naruto you really going to let him win?" Naruto focused on the masked man walking to him. However what happened next shocked him right out of the state he was in. The masked man dropped his mask to show off Kai smiling at him. "It's been awhile hasn't it Naru?" Naruto was confused so Kai walked up to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry I had to lie for three years but it was the only way." Kai looked at Naruto. "I didn't want to do it but my boss needed the world to lose Kai." Naruto hugged his best friend. "Why didn't you tell us though?" Naruto saw Kai smile at him. "Because I know you Naruto you would've fought me to come home and I would've gave in. You have no idea how badly I miss you all. But I need to do this to save certain people that I care for as well." Naruto looked at Kai confused. "You wouldn't understand not how things are now. But once I come home I'll explain it all." Naruto watched Kai put his mask back on before looking at him. "Don't tell the others at least not until its just you and Sakura. I don't want the Leaf on me more then they already are." Naruto knew the pain Kai was in for lying he could see it in his friends eyes. "Three years a part and I still can tell how you feel." Kai chuckled before hugging Naruto again. "Of course you can we have a bond nothing can break." Kai sighed softly before looking at Naruto. "Sorry but I gotta do this so they believe it." Naruto was about to ask what but suddenly he passed out. "I'm sorry Naruto but I'll be home someday." Kai picked Naruto up and carried him to the others. Sakura saw the two and got worried. "I had to knock him out." Kai carried Naruto to them before setting him down by the others. "How did you subdue the Nine Tails chakra?" Kai looked at the Captain who tensed up seeing the cold stare. "I am not afraid of the Nine Tails and my power far exceeds that of a Tail Beast." Kai looked at Sakura who was staring at Naruto. "Why do you care for the Uchiha so much Sakura?" Sakura looked into the man's eyes. "I love him." Kai nods before sitting next to Naruto. "Why did you care about Kai?" Sakura was getting tired of the questions. "Because he was a friend." Kai smiled behind his mask before looking at her seriously. "I must inform you that boy with you has betrayed you." The Captain nods. "Yes I have a clone following them." Kai chuckled. "Don't I know the place they have the Uchiha held at. Once the blonde here wakes up I'll take you." Kai hopped up before looking at the Captain. "Besides the boy was never loyal to Team Seven he works for Danzo Shimura." The captain tensed up. "I have eyes and ears everwhere Captain. Including in the Foundation." Kai waited for Naruto before taking them to the Hideout. 

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