Floodgates Open

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Kai watched as the Ten Tails fell to the Alliance's plan that managed to sever its ties to Obito as well as Madara. Lobo and the others came to Kai who was sharpening his weapons. "What do you plan on doing? Ignis looked worried." Kai looked at Lobo. "I'm going to free myself and end this wretched war." Ignis didn't want to hear those words. "If you do that then Kaizer will get out and you'll be worse then Kaguya." Kai looked at Ignis. "Who says I will be? Enough either stand in line or get out of my site. You owe me nothing anymore Ignis nor do you guys." Kai looked at Lobo and the wolves. "I no longer need you your all free." Kai stood up and placed his swords in their sheathes then walked towards the battlefield. "What do you mean?" Lobo looked at his creator who stopped and turned to him. "Once I free Kaizer I'll not be Kai anymore so I won't remember who you are and I'll try to use you like a weapon." Ignis and Lobo noticed the conflict in Kai's eyes before they hardened. "I want you all to be safe even if Kaizer doesn't hurt you he'll try to use you like a weapon." Kai walked towards the battlefield and saw Obito is the new Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails. Kai was next to Sasuke and Naruto. "Kai where were you!?" Kai ignored his friends and instead did some hand signs. "Sorry Obito but this is where I get serious truly." Kai finished the hand signs and six blue flames appeared behind. Ignis saw that and he shielded the ones next to him. Sasuke noticed what Ignis did and he used Susano'o to protect Naruto. "Foxfire Hunt." The flames floated towards Obito who noted how slow they were but just as he went to comment Obito felt an intense burning sensation on his torso. He looked to see blue flames there. He tried to remove it but to Obito's surprise the flames wouldn't go away. "These flames are the opposite of the Eternal Flame. Instead of burning you away until nothing is left these flames inflict a freezing burn that saps away your health." Obito looked to see that the battlefield was consumed by the flames. He noticed Ignis and the others were safe standing on a lotus shaped platform. "Pay attention Obito." Kai's words had the Jinchuriki turn his head back to him only for Obito to see Kai had numerous Foxfire around him. "In my past life I crafted this flame to combat my sister. She never bothered relying solely on her power she had. I won every encounter but with each one I grew restless. I yearned for a challenge. This is my true emotions. Only one like a kitsune would understand what these flames are." Kai did some handsigns before they stopped in a triangle pattern. "Foxfire Raze." Suddenly the Foxfire turned red and everyone gasped as the now  blood red flames seemed to burn away even Susano'o. "Leave us now." Kai glanced at his friends before focusing on Obito. Sasuke took the others away using Susano'o leaving Obito to face off against Kai. "What do you plan on doing? This world needs to be put to sleep." Kai chuckled before using his Foxfire to attack Obito. "This world just needs to die even if I must do it myself." Kai got behind Obito and placed his hand on the Uchiha's back. "Foxfire Seeker." A sigil formed on Obito's back and the Foxfire chased after him. Kai vanished and ended up in front of Sasuke. "I'm trusting you with them you guys." Kai summoned his animals which had them look at Kai. "I want you guys to protect the people who mean the most to me. That is your new mission in life." Kai smiled at his friends before sighing. "I wish this would've ended differently. I love you guys." Kai gave his friends one last smile before returning to Obito. The Jinchuriki was trying to figure out where Kai was hiding this power. "You really don't get it do you? I have begun unsealing Kaizer. My true power has started coming to the surface." Obito looked to see those same markings he had back at the Akatsuki Hideout. But this time they seemed to be staying. "I was never one of your Akatsuki nor was I one of the Leaf. My entire life was built to protect my Uncle and avenge my father. To do that I will gladly sacrifice myself to awaken Kaizer." Obito just stared at Kai. "Then what happens after? When Kaizer tries to kill them?" Kai just chuckled. "I trust them to stop me even if it means killing me. If I can save Sasuke and avenge Itachi." Sasuke heard his nephew and frowned. Kai did some handsigns and a star formed behind him. "Seal one unlocked." Obito and the others braced as Kai suddenly was releasing waves of chakra. Kai just stared at Obito as the chakra swirled around him before it focused itself on the  center of his back. The chakra formed into a halo with a twelve pointed star in it. "I want you all to look at me and realize how far ahead I am from you." Kai raised his arms to the sky like he's getting praised and the sky darkened. "Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilations." Obito and the others weren't prepared for the gigantic wall of blue flames that came from Kai. Obito knew from Madara's own version of this that it'd be difficult to stop. "Madara learned this from me Obito. He never could obtain its true power." Obito used his Truth Seeker Orbs to protect himself but Kai was ready for that. "Wind Style: Raze." Kai watched Obito as a hurricane formed around him that grew in size thanks to the nearby flames. Obito was trying to figure out a way to stop his former comrade but he couldn't find an opening. "You never were able to read my movements were you Obito. That was something Itachi taught me." Kai suddenly was in front of Obito who couldn't stop him from slamming his fist into Obito's gut. "If I wasn't wanting to kill you this fight would be over already." Obito saw Kai sigh quietly before jumping away and turned to Naruto. "He's all yours I weakened him enough." Kai vanished and when he touched down Kai was standing next to Hashirama who was fighting Madara. 

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