Alliance vs Akatsuki

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With Kai aiding them the Alliance was able to make a comeback. Even though the Alliance shinobi were conflicted about Kai they knew he was a necessary evil. Kai did some handsigns before clones of him ran around helping the shinobi before walking to the enemy. Kai was a great equalizer to the Akatsuki's forces keeping the shinobi he sided with safe. However that changed when suddenly the real Madara Uchiha showed up after Tobi's identity was revealed to be a former comrade of Kakashi's. "You looked better with your mask on." Kai snickered when Obito looked at him. "Your still so damn annoying." Kai grinned before shrugging. "I told you what would happen if you let me get bored." Kai began to fight Obito and he grinned when Obito realized the difference in strength immediately. "No wonder you intimidated so many people. I didn't realize how much you held back." Kai leaned in to Obito's face and showed up his fangs. "Who says I'm not holding back now?" Kai saw Obito glare at him before one of Kai's shadows punched him in the gut sending Obito flying. Kai then looked at the Gedo Statue which was still in its transformation phase. "Soon Sister I'll see you again." Kai looked at his friends and was proud of Naruto. He really did have the Nine Tails chakra under control. "Kai what do you plan to do when we beat Obito?" Kai looked at Naruto. "Finish what I started a life time ago. What else?" Kai nearly got his head taken off when the real Madara showed up and he avoided it by teleporting with a rock. "So you really are reincarnated Kaizer." Kai looked at Madara who was grinning at him. "Yup nice to see you again Madara." The Uchiha just grinned and Kai glanced at his friends who were looking at him confused. "My past life knew Madara in fact it was my past life that sent Madara down the road he walked and how we ended up here. I aided Madara with his plans to accomplish my goals." Kai shrugged seeing the shock on their faces. "W why Kai?" Kai looked at Naruto. "Because in order to get what I want Madara needed to succeed." The adults looked at Kai. "What do you want?" Kai went silent. "To see my sister again." Kai faced Madara before closing his eyes and sighed. When he opened them again Kai had a determined look in his eyes. "I'm so close to my goal I won't stop now." Kai rushed Madara and so did Naruto with Bee. "Obito deal with the other two. I'll play with my former comrade and the Jinchuriki." Kai growled and they began to fight. Madara showed off how well he knew Kai's fighting style by avoiding him and really focused on the Jinchuriki. Kai growled before his third eye opened and suddenly Madara found himself in a strange place. "What is this Kaizer?" Kai grinned when the Uchiha looked at him. "Something Kaizer never could do. Welcome to my hell." Kai watched as Madara started fighting against Kai's demons. On the outside Kai looked at the two Jinchuriki who were watching him with caution. Kai drew both of his weapons and he activated his Susano'o. Both Bee and Naruto saw Kai walk to them. "Naruto this Kai isn't the one you grew up. You need to realize that Kai is dead." Naruto heard Kurama and he shook his head. Naruto thought of all the times Kai came to him. All the times Kai spent with him while masquerading as Z.  What Naruto heard when Kai came to him when he was fighting Itachi and Nagato. "I refuse to believe that." Kurama just sighed hearing his host. "Naruto watch out." Bee pushed Naruto out of the way just as Kai's Susano'o slammed its fist where the blonde use to be. "Pay attention Naruto or you'll die." Naruto looked at Kai who was staring at him with a bored look. "If your so willingly to end the world why did you come to me when you were Z? Why didn't you kill me and take Kurama when you had the chance?" Kai stared at Naruto for a few seconds. "Because in reality I didn't need to get Kurama. I could've did all of this on my own. But the thing is I think there's a part of me that wants to be stopped and put to sleep. I've been nothing but a feral fox all my life doing whatever I wanted because nobody could stop me and I knew it. Maybe I needed you and Sasuke to stop me." Kai started laughing before shaking his head. "Whatever I'm not one to think too hard on stuff." Kai started to walk to Naruto but Madara escaped the justu and started fighting Kai. The two jinchuriki joined the fray as well. As the four fought Kai felt exhilarated as he took hits from each of his three opponents but returned them with extra force. Soon the four split as Obito and Madara jumped to the Ten Tails that finished transforming. Soon the Ten Tails attacked and managed to destroyed the Alliance HQ as well as kill numerous shinobi including Neji. "Well Kai do like what you helped create?" Madara saw Kai look at him before laughing. "Your still that blind stupid fool I met all those years ago. Let me show you the power that I've hidden away." Kai suddenly had his wolf standing next to him before it was covered by nine different chakra's as well as his Susano'o. "That's my chakra." Bee and Naruto heard their Tail Beasts which had them look at Kai. "I am not some boy you met Madara Uchiha. I am not the brother to Hagoromo Otsutsuki. I am the brother to the one who started this all. I am Kai Otsutsuki and I will not be stopped." Kai snapped his fingers and suddenly the Ten Tails howled as it was enveloped in semi transparent flames. 

The Kitsune Shinobi(Naruto Fanfic) Doneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें