Mission one

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Hiruzen had Ishimori in his office the next day. "Itachi found Kai when he was a baby thirteen years ago. Even at a young age Kai has shown abilities and skill that even most Anbu don't have. He also had shown a loyalty to Itachi and Sasuke I've only seen in pack animals. Kai has only recently developed that dangerous part of his personality. That eye of his also showed itself recently as well. I don't think Kai is even aware of it. But it reminds me of the Sharigan yet even that isn't doing it justice. I saw it once back during a training exercise the Academy was doing. Kai was off on his own and he got hurt. He cut his leg down to the bone and the crazy part was Kai didn't care. It was like he didn't even feel it. I was watching through my crystal ball and he looked right at me. It was like he knew and I saw his eye. It made my blood freeze and my heart race. Whatever that eye is Ishimori it's not any ocular ability we've seen." Ishimori nods before bowing. "I'd like to go watch Team 7's training session if you don't mind Lord Third." Hiruzen smiled and nods so Ishimori left. The Captain went to the training field where he saw Kai setting something up. "Captain come over here please I need your opinion." Ishimori left his hiding spot and went to Kai. He saw Kai had set up a complicated trap. "So this thing will trigger a sealed justu inside a scroll I placed underground that will use the Shuriken clone justu. I think seventy shurikens is enough but it's Kakashi Hatake. Do you think that's enough?" Ishimori looked at Kai who was looking at him expectantly. "You wanna kill him or something?" Kai shook his head. "No I know how strong he is that's why I want to do this right." Ishimori saw how frustrated Kai was. "I don't want him hurt but I also don't want him thinking I'm going easy. We promised each other we'd bring our A game when it came to each other." Ishimori nods before looking over the trap. "I think take about ten away and it'd be perfect." Kai got excited and quickly got to work so Ishimori went back into hiding. "Thank you for your help Captain." Ishimori smiled behind his mask but remained quiet. The others arrived to see Kai waiting for them onto of a tree. "Oh hey guys!" Kai jumped down and smiled at everyone. After the kids settled down Kakashi explained the drill but then he looked at Kai with a mischievous smirk. "Since we have more then the normal members of a squad we'll be doing something a bit different. Out in the real world you'll be tasked with multiple objectives meaning you will have to pick one or split up your forces. So today not only will you need to get a bell from me but also one from Kai." Kai looked at Kakashi who gave him a knowing look. "Guess your trap won't be used huh." Ishimori chuckled softly. Guess Kakashi knows Kai well enough. "It was cause I was here first wasn't it?" Kakashi gave Kai a closed eye smile before handing him a bell. "Kai all you have to do is keep the bell. Well without using your abilities. Wouldn't want to risk the others." Kai glared at Kalashi. "Is this because I put a spider in your mask?" The other genin were just stunned. Ishimori almost revealed himself from laughing. He never thought he'd see Kakashi Hatake tease someone like this. "I don't know what your talking about. Anyway begin guys." Everyone looked between the two before Kai growled. "Fine if you want my bell you'll have to catch me!" With that Kai took off like lightning. "But Kakashi Sensei said you can't use your abilities!" Kakashi chuckled. "Naruto that isn't an ability that's just how fast he is." Again everyone was stunned. "I'll take Kai." Sasuke ran off after his nephew. He couldn't find Kai so after about five more minutes of trying Sasuke gave up and ran back to Kakashi. They failed and Kai showed up. Kakashi congratulated him then looked at the others. Naruto was tied up for trying to cheat. "Kai can you tell me why they failed?" Kai looked at the others. "Because they failed to understand the point of this exercise. Even with the risk of being sent back to the academy you three should've worked together to come up with a plan to get a bell." Kakashi nods in agreement. "The only one who passed is Kai. Kai you can go on ahead." Kai nods then looked at the others before doing one sign. After that he left and Ishimori followed him. "Where'd you go after you ran?" Kai looked at the Captain. "I ran to a tree then hid in it. Sasuke ran right up to me." Ishimori nods then he said his good byes. Kai took the scroll out of his bag and he wandered off. Kai found himself deep in the forest and he looked at the scroll again. "You know you can open it now right?" Kai looked to see the fox looking at him from a tree. "How? I thought you said I'd need a special justu to open it?" The fox nods then he pointed at his own left eye. "You've been unconsciously using it to intimidate people and when you've felt threatened. Just focus on pouring chakra into your eye." Kai thought that was strange but he did as told. That's when the scroll reacted and opened. Out came a sword that surprised Kai. The blade was a rosy red with a slight curve to it and it's hilt had a guard attached to it. The hilt was colored ebony with small stars dotting it. "That is Maestro your sword your past self crafted using your own chakra and his Rinnegan. It's able to cut through anything including time and space. Now that you have it I believe you are ready." The fox closed its eyes and suddenly a kitsune with eight tails was in its place. Before Kai could react the kitsune kneeled. "I am the one you created I am Ignis. I an a part of you and I will follow you anywhere." It was no surprise when Kai was too stunned to reply.

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