Meeting them / stray kids

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"But I was waiting for you!" I whined pouting.

"Please forgive me! It was really urgent! I promise we will go together next time!"

"Ah! Fine! You promise! So you better not break it!" I threatened.

"I promise! And again sorry.."

"It's alright. Okey now I'm going! bye!" I spoke.

"Bye!" I cut the call with a sign and look around.

Today I was supposed to meet my best friend Hana at the cafe to discuss something about our assignment but after waiting for her more than 15 minutes she call me to say she is not available now.

Like I just lose my precious time waiting for her while I can have lay on my bed and watch stray kids! Can you believe! I lost my chance of watching 15 minutes of stray kids because of Hana!

*Sigh* she will pay..she will pay..

I get up from the chair picking up my bag and walk out of the cafe after paying for my cup of coffee, that was not even tasty.

I sign for the hundred time while walking cuz it's hot! I'm roasting here and I'm sure Hana will be chilling in her room with the AC on!

How in the world I'm so unlucky to get a friend like here! Well..I don't hate her that much because she is my best friend and also the reason I get to know about stray kids.

I really love stray kids! More then everything you know!

I really wish I can meet them someday.

"Excuse me miss." I turn around as I hear someone voice calling me maybe.

There was a tall guy wearing a mask and a cap only his eyes can be seen, that make me frown at him.

Why do I feel like I have seen these eyes?

"Yes?" I asked, focusing on his eyes that seem so familiar. "Did you perhaps saw a black and white dog? He is really small and have really big eyes."

Black and white dog?

"I'm sorry but I don't." I apologized realizing I had not come across one.

"Ah, it's okey," He look down for a moment. "I should go now." He bow and run to the other side.

Poor him, he look disappointed.

Anyway, I again begin to walk towards my house. But stop when I saw a small figure near a tree.

A black and white figure, maybe it's the dog he was looking for? I walk closer to it and yes it was a dog.

Awww! he look so lonely!

I walked near it, finding it's eye on me. I bent down to pick it up but he move away before I could.

"Hey, don't worry. Your owner just ask me about you. He is looking for you. Come to me I will take you to your owner."

The dog don't move for a moment before slowly coming towards me.
I smile and pick it up.

"Awww, you are a beautiful dog." I spoke in a manner of speaking to a baby.

But wait, the dog look really familiar,
I have seen a dog like this one before.

I'm not sure but..kkami?

Nah! I must be misunderstanding! How can kkami be here?

I get up with the dog in my arms shook I my head at the thought, and walk somewhere in hope of finding the mask dude.

I come to the same place where I meet the dude but I don't find him. Maybe he is near somewhere.

I continue to walk about 10 minutes more but the sun is too hot for me to not cry about.

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