Your wish / Felix

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In the chilly air of early evening, people wait standing on the side road for the signal to turn, so can cross the road.

The cars going to their destination in a speed, not caring to stop anywhere near untill they got the signal.

Everyone was busy on their on works or phone, non noticed the boy crossing path with people, to stand on the side roads.

The boy look at the road full of cars, with a board expression. He doesn't plan to stand and wait for the signal to turn.

He begin his walk going straight ahead to the other side. The cars at speed on his way, if he stopped he could get hit.

He don't care, he don't stop, not for a moment but the cars on the way did. Immediately stopping the cars to save the boy from death, and watch him in disbelief at how calmly he is walking.

"Are you mad!" "Do you want to die or what!" "You could have get hit!" He heard people shout at him, but he don't care.

He change his direction to left when he cross the road, never stopping and keep walking.

"You should stop playing with death Felix!" He heard a familiar voice. He don't need to turn around to see who is it.

"You could have get hurt!" Hyunjin spoke in frustration walking beside him.
Felix roll his eyes, not minding to reply to his worries.

Why would he care anyways? That's exactly what he wants.


Felix fist clenching hard when his ears pick up the whisper of the students on his way to the class.

"Do he still sell drugs?" Someone whispered with disgust. "I heard he still do, even a drug addict!" Someone sneer.

He open his locker to get the book out, trying not to hear what rubbish they are talking about.

"What a bitch he is! We don't want a characterless drug addict like him near us!" Felix close his eyes in frustration at the purposely loud voice of one of the student here, mocking him.

Felix turn around to them, facing them but before he could do anything a hard punch was land on the boy who just commented on Felix.

"Dare to say a word about him, and you see dickhead!" Hyunjin caused at the boy now laying down holding his jaw, not caring about the gasp from the students near him.

Hyunjin turn towards Felix, but he already left the place when he try to come near him. He sigh watching his disappearing figure.


Felix sigh sitting all alone in the back of the college, resting his back on the tree looking as lonely as him.

There was no one except him, nor he want anyone to be anyways. Hyunjin must be looking for him right now, but he don't want him to come close to him.

He don't want the college to treat him as garbage just because he always stand by him. It's a shit feeling and he don't want Hyunjin to experience it in any way.

Just as he close his eyes he heard a voice beside him. "Why are you sitting all alone?" He turn his head to his right.

His eyes widen when he saw a really beautiful girl sitting just a little away from him.

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