just come back / Hyunjin

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Sweet smell, of fresh bread.

Flying around, and coming back to the nostrils of present lives. The sound of rain drops, pouring heavily on the window, the lonely figure is sitting beside.

There was much to watch, but his eyes were stuck on the black drink Infront. His mind, somewhere else, no care to the world.

"I don't like this drink! How did you even drink it! I prefer tea!" His eyes meet the small figure, drinking and looking outside of the window.

"Look how bad the weather is? I thought we could go somewhere nice." Her voice bring tears into his eyes. He was so ready to take her anywhere she want, f*ck the weather, f*ck everyone, he only want her.

She turn her eyes to him, to give a smile, before her figure disappear Infront of him. His sigh take place. Another illusion of his.


"I think you should stop." Minho was worried for the younger boy, dancing nonstop like his life depends on it.

He replied, with shooking his head. "No." He wap the sweats from his forehead by the help of his sleeve. "I must get better."

"But-" He try to stop him. "Just a little more," But he cut him off. "Please..hyung." Minho could do nothing but nood.

"Just a little more." Hyunjin was left alone to practice now, like he wanted.
His feet begin, it's move. He was moving so perfectly, like perfection fit him.

He don't care, how sweaty, and tried he is. His dance is needed, to maybe get her out of his mind, just, just for a little moment.

But she was all over his mind and heart, in the line of time. He see her, standing beside him, holding his arm, when he stop.

His eyes meeting her's, through the mirror. She was smiling at him, at the same time show worry, through her eyes.

"Don't overwork yourself, I don't want you sick." How faint her voice sound. How he wish it was true, not another illusion of his. He want no illusion now, just her.

He don't even get to blink his eyes, as she disappear again. His legs give up soon, dropping on the ground.

He held his head, to lower it. He even don't want to see his own tears.


"Hey mate, why don't you come with us? All of us are going outside." The deep voice of Felix, made hyunjin left his eyes, from the photo frame.

Not only Felix, all his friends were worries sick for him. He don't come out of his room, all day just sit in depression, watching all the pictures of her.

"I'm not in the mood." Felix goes to say, or maybe drag him out his self, but hyunjin was fast. "Please..can you leave me alone?"

The dry pleading of his, make his heart ache. He could not do anything, but do as he say.

He was once again in the loneliness of his room. He close his eyes, tightening the grab on the frame, before opening them again to, see her Infront.

How innocent she look, legs cross on the floor. Her fragile hands drawing circles on the ground. She is as concentrate, like her life is on line.

"You know right?" She voice speak in. "It's not your fault." Her eyes goes up to meet his. He could do nothing but watch behind the tears, of his.

"It never was." Even if she was just Infront, her voice sound so far. "It always was." Hyunjin spoke for the first time.

All he want to do was, bring her back and hug her, live his life with her. Or go to her, to complete his incomplete life.
He couldn't do either.

She shook her head. "Don't do this to your self." Hyunjin shook his head this time, licking his lips. "I'm sorry." His nose was red, his tears out.

"Just remember, I love you." Her body vanished in the atmosphere. And him, he pull his knees up, to hide his head on them.

His sobs take place, and his mind recall the worst day of his life.

Only, only if, they both don't argue over stupid thing. Only if she don't run out of the house in frustration. Only if she had known where she was going.

Only if she had heard him calling her name painfully. Only if she had seen the car coming. Then, then maybe, she would been with him, now cuddling to sleep, watching movies till late at night.

Eating meals together, going to date together, and loving each other.

The way she fly up, when the car hit her, was fresh on his mind. How he wish it was him, instead of her.

The way his world stutter, Infront of him. The way, he cry holding her cheeks, to wake her up. The way he was screaming for help.

The way her blood was all around the ground, and the way her eyes open, to say 'I love you' for the last time, in her weak voice.

Before her soul was taken, by the angel of death. He beg and scream for her to come back, but her ears had already stop working.

If only he could have save her.


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