Idol next door / Changbin

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"Mom! How could you!?"
Yelling at the top of my lungs, I run downstairs after hearing the horrible news, from my not-so-lovely brother.

"I could what!?"
Mom yell back. Disbelief and betrayal filed me. I could what? This is all you can say after destroying my life!?

"Mom! How could you!? How could you keep them as your hostage!?"

"I never keep anyone as a hostage!"
She yell from the kitchen. I stand behind her to fight for my love, she keep as a hostage.

"You did! You keep my precious stray kids merchandise as hostage!"
She left the kitchen and sit on the couch of the living room, I follow her behind.

"Well it's simple, do what I say and I will not burn them."

That's! That's the most worse threat someone can give to a kpop fan, especially if it's mom!

"Mom really!? You want me to be a maid!?"

"What wrong with that? It's suit you well."

And here come the villain if my story. I gaze up the stairs, to give death glare to my brother, who was standing arm cross while resting it on the stairs rilling.

"No one ask your opinion!!"
Ignoring him, which I wish could since he was born, I turn towards my mom, to continue my fight of rights.

"Mom! I'm not gonna be a maid! So give me back my merchandise!"

"Who is telling you to be a maid!?"
My mom yell in frustration.
"Well she is."
My dear brother say boiling my blood.

"Soobin I swear! I you talk once more! I will bury you deep inside the mountains!"

"Mom you see the mouth of her!? Look how she is talking to her older brother!"

I took out my slapper and throw it at his direction. But unfortunately he dodge it.

"Stop you both! And yn! I am not telling you to be a maid!"

"But you are."
I sulkily say looking down.

"I'm but saying that you have to clean the the house next door!"

"It's an order from your mom!"
Mom left the scene, to I don't know where. And leave me here to sulk.

My brother, which I would love to break the bones of if you give me permission, give me a 'Tsk' and a pity full expression which clearly show it fake and that he is enjoying it.

"My a maid, wow! PAPA!! LOOK WHAT MOM IS MAKING ME DO!!"


I lost, I lost the battle of my life! I lost to my mom. Don't blame me! My merchandise my at risk! I can even give my life for that!

I sigh and look at the house Infront. The house I have to clean, because someone is moving in.

Wondering why I have to clean? Well my mom sell houses to people, and hair cleaner to clean the house. But mom want me to clean the house as it is near our house, and it is a waste if money to call a cleaner, when a useless girl is inside the house.

Yeah, my mom call my useless, well I don't mind as she is right. I spend my whole day watching stray kids songs, moment, performance, etc over and over again, but still don't get satisfied, so you know, she is right.

Anyway! Let's go inside and clean the house so I can save my merchandise from burning Infront if my eyes.

I wonder who is moving?

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