3: Oh Robin, My Robin

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I was afraid to walk through the door of our apartment because I thought maybe my mom and dad was standing there waiting to curse us out. I turned to Bella who looked as afraid as I am.

"We just need to follow each otha's lies." She whispered.

"No your lie. This was your idea." I turned the knob after taking the key out. Slowly pushing the door open, it was dark in the living room and the kitchen. So I assumed they were sleeping.

"Coast is clear." I whispered. We tried to tip toe but Bella had these loud ass boots on and all you could hear was them. I went into my room and she went into hers. I went into my closet to get my pajamas. I felt someone watching me and I just thought I was trippin' so I continued to look. But then I heard breathing. So I quickly snapped my neck around to see who it was and it was my mom.

"You home straight after school tomorrow understood?" She sternly said.

"Not like I had plans to be anywhere else.." I mumbled. I thought I had gotten away. But nope.


I woke up the next morning ready to get this day over with. I did my morning routine which was wake up, wash up, and eat. A quarter to eight I was heading out. I walked to my locker and opened it up....someone had slipped a note in my locker. I picked it up and opened it:

Stella Mitchell I wanted to ask you if you'd like to hang out at the pizza parlor after school? If yes just text me - 310-344-5443.

I was in a state of shock, I didn't just want to text some stranger's number. But, I can of had a feeling that this stranger was Robin for some strange reason. So I whipped my phone out and shot this mystery number a text and headed to my first period class. I sat next to this girl who seemed quiet so I thought maybe it'd be quiet and peaceful. But I was dead wrong when the rest of the class came in.

"Hey were you at that party last night at Mandie's?" A kid asked and I started to feel embarrassed again.

"Yes about half this school was." Another kid responded.

"I heard that her boyfriend Trey was in a room with a girl from here and then people was sayin' she was only 16." The kid laughed.

"Ain't he like 30!?" Another girl busted out. I started to feel really sick. Like they knew that girl was me or something.

"That's nasty as hell, bitches ain't got no kind of morals these days."

"What if the girl didn't know he was 23 though?" I asked in the mist of all the blabbering. Everybody turned their heads to me and stared like I had just spoke in gibberish or something.

"Girl please he looks 23....any hoe who didn't know that probably need glasses."

"Wait how do you know he's 23?" Someone asked. I started to turn blue. My secret was out. I thought to myself.

"I mean gossip gets around, and that's what I heard." I lie.

"Sure whatever but she's a nut, whoever she is." A kid said ending the conversation. So now not only am I the new girl, I'm the new girl who's a nut. How could my days at Eagle High be any worst. That period was finally over and I met Brit outside of the door.

"Why weren't you in class?" I asked her.

".....I was at the clinic."

"Why are you okay?"

".....I don't know....I needed to get tested." My eyes were wide and I was in shock.


"......I took a HIV test, and (sigh) a pregnancy test." I chocked on the air in front of me in disbelief of what I was hearing.

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