65: The Hard Truth

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I woke up. I was laying in a hospital bed. I was unsure why I was in here but I was. I looked around and was stunned when I saw Robin sitting in the chair next to my bed. 

"Robin?" My dry raspy voice called out and he looked up at me, confirming that it was him. I saw his big bright eyes glow when he saw me looking at him.

"You finally woke up." He got up and hugged me.

"Ah." I groaned out from the pain of his hug.

"Sorry..." He stepped back.

"Why am I in here? Where is my mama?" I started to worry.

"She went to get some coffee downstairs."

"Why am I in here?" I asked again getting upset.

"I found you in the alley a few days ago.....somebody shot you three times and you barely made it." He spoke with his head down.

"What? I was shot?" I looked down at my chest, which was patched up. "Who...who could of done something like that to me?" I look back over at him.

".....I don't know, I found you unconscious so whoever did it got away." He sat back down. My mama came back in the room a little after and rushed over to me when she saw I was awake.

"Oh my God! You're awake." She showered kisses all over my face. "The doctors told us that the chance of you waking up was bleak." She continued to kiss me.

"Mama what happened to me?" I asked still not remembering anything.

"Sweetheart nobody knows anything, all we know is that this young man found you in a alley two days ago almost dead." She explained.

"Two days ago?!" I tried sitting up but the pain in my chest wouldn't let me.

"Sweetheart calm down. You were unconscious after they gave you all that medicine after surgery."

"Surgery?" All of this was sounding unreal.

"Yes they had to remove the bullets before they did any serious damage." She hugs me.

"So nobody knows who did this to me?" I asked.

"No baby just relax, alright. You're alive and that is what I am concerned about. Now just calm down, I'm going to get the doctor." She leaves out the room.

"What were you doing in the alley anyway?" I asked Robin who I can tell was a little uncomfortable.

"I was taking a shortcut, thank God. You probably would of died if I didn't."

"....I'm surprised you even helped me." I confess.

"Why would you say that?"

"We....I don't know. We just ain't friends, I done almost ruined your relationship more times than I actually can remember and I just wouldn't expect you to help me."

"My relationship almost ruined itself, if anything I'm just as guilty as you. The feeling was mutual, just wasn't the right timing, I guess." He shrugged and I couldn't help but to stare at his attractive appearance. I had forgotten all the reasons why I had a crush on him to begin with because of all the drama I've been through. I forgot about how caring he was, and his hidden sensitivity that made him stand out from all the others. I truly don't think that my feelings for him ever left, they were just briefly put away while I pretended to love all those other niggas. Don't get me wrong I have a true heart for Evan but it's nothing compared to the heart that belongs to Robin.

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