52: Anything's Possible

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*Day before*


After the funeral Monday I think I was having a hot flash and I got super dizzy. So Tuesday I decided to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test, I knew it was a little insane to think that these symptoms was a sign of pregnancy when I had just had a baby, but Marianne's words kept ringing inside my head: "Anything's possible through the work of God." I've been way to afraid to take the test but with Stella at school and my mama at work, I was home alone and I thought that it was the perfect time. The box said wait five full minutes before reading the results so I went to get some juice. I paced the floor of the kitchen as I waited, like where is this baby gone sleep? How am I, a eighteen year old, going to raise two babies by myself? I ain't gone always have my mama and Stella to help me out and plus my mama probably gone disown my ass anyways. I just kept on blabbering to myself until I heard the front door open.

"What are you doing home!?" I yell.

"Ummm, short day at school." Stella responded. "Which I'm glad it was because I have to pee and I hate using them bathrooms." She started to walk toward the bathroom.

"Wait!!" I screamed and pushed her to the floor heading for the bathroom. Once I was inside I locked the door and continued pacing the floor, still beyond afraid to look at the test.

"Bella hurry up!!" Stella rushed.

"Wait, I'm almost done." I lie. I don't know where my courage went but I was just not letting myself read this test. I just closed my eyes and did a silent prayer. I finally picked up the test and the box. Scanning what the results meant on the back of the box, I slowly glanced over at the test: POSITIVE. "Oh MY GOD!" I half yell.

"BELLA!!" Stella screams again. I gather the test and the box and took a breath before I unlock the door. "The fuck was taking you so long?" She spats and I held up the box. "......No?" She stops squirming around and looks me hard in the face.

"Yes." I answer flatly.

"I meant no Bella....impossible, Camden just made a month old....how is that possible?" She questions.

"Anything's possible through the work of God."


*Current Day*

"Dr. Morris tell me that this is all a mistake." I asked him.

"I am sorry Bella but this blood test doesn't lie, looks like you are about 2 weeks actually."

"I....I just had a baby...." I say.

"The results of your other tests show that you have a condition where your ovaries starts producing eggs and releasing them into the uterus faster than suppose too, so unlike other women whose bodies need more time, like a year or so, your body gets back to work in a snap....get it?" He tries to explain but I just don't understand. "It's a very very rare condition, not a lot of women have this condition but it doesn't really affect your health or your pregnancy. What I have noticed is that the development of your stomach is a bit slow, while you was pregnant with Camden about seven months in I noticed that your stomach had just started growing.....I'm not positive but I need to check and make sure it doesn't affect the babies health."

"Camden was healthy though, right?" I asked.

"Yes he was surprisingly, I wasn't sure he was going to be at first because at four months your belly should be noticeable and yours wasn't....so I was concerned that maybe he was going to be premature or maybe a deformity."

"So what now?"

"Well, so far the baby looks healthy and so do you. But I want to keep an eye on the baby's development, so I want you to come back in like a month for a check up alright?" He tells me.

"...Dr. Morris I'm so scared....what am I going to do?" He takes a sit next to me and stares at the ground.

"Bella you're a strong girl and I know your mom and sister will support whatever you do. Does this has something to do with the father? Is he around?" The tears came pouring out of my eyes. "It'll be okay Bella, he'll come around when you tell him."

"He can't come around Dr. Morris, he's dead."

"Ohh, I'm sorry to hear that...I truly am but you got to have faith, you should tell you family so you don't go through this alone, alright?"

"I will, but not right now.....I'm just not ready."

"That's fine but remember big shirts can't hide your stomach forever." He jokes.

"Yeah but it will for now." I stood up and gave Dr. Morris a hug and walked through the hospital, I noticed the maternity ward with all the new mothers and babies. I wonder what I'll be having this time, what if it's a girl? That would make me super happy. My phone starting to vibrate.


"Where are you?" My mama asked.

"I went out for some air, why?"

"Camden is crying his head off and you need to get here and take care of your responsibility, I understand this had been a hard week for you but don't abandoned your duty."

"Yeah, okay mama." I disconnected the phone call and waited for the bus. I had a little more responsibility now and I just don't see her supporting me in this.

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