44: And we're back....

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"Wait girl!" I heard Nayeli yell after me. "Walking to damn fast! Who you tryna dodge?" She huffs and suck in oxygen as she finally reaches me.

"Nobody, it's the last period of the day and I'm just tryna catch my bus." I quickly squeeze my last few books in my locker.

"Wait naw you gotta stay back a few minutes with me." I slam my locker and whipped my head in her direction. "Look I know you hate staying after school for anything but I just need to talk to my fourth period teacher." She pouts.

I sigh, "A'ight but I ain't walking all the way up there, I'll wait for you right here. Hurry up." I say and she scrambles up the stairs. In the distance I can see Robin and Jayla storming toward the school's exit. Robin makes a quick left and stands at the staircase by my locker.

"Jayla I'm done talking about this shit!" He yells at her, I just laugh and shake my head, if they ain't screaming at each other they ignoring each other.

"Robin you don't care about shit! Absolutely nothing! This is why I wanna go." She snaps back.

"Well fuckin' GO! See if I give a fuck!" Those words came outta his mouth so hard I know it felt like he punch her ina face. She held her forehead for a second and took in a deep breath, I nudge closer to listen better.

"This ain't me making you choose Robin but you seriously have till the end of the month to make a 'smart' decision...alright?" She swirls around and heads out the door. I ain't wanna look like I was eaves dropping so I turned back to my locker and tried to look busy.

"You can stop playing innocent Stella." Robin's voice snuck up on me.

"I ain't playing nothing, and wow you talking to me?" I say.

"I know we ain't been the best of friends-"

"-Or friends at all." I cut him clean off.

"Yeah...but I just wanna apologize my mind ain't been in the right place and I been a little hard on a lot of people lately." He rubs his head.

"Yeah like with Jayla?" I ask indicating that moment they just had.

"Nahhhhh, that's a whole different story.....why you still here anyways, you normally be gone by this time."

"I'm waiting on a friend.....but she's taking to long hold on." I put up a finger and pull out my phone. I dial Nayeli's number and wait for her to pick up.

"Hey so here's the thing, my teacher is saying I have a semester worth of assignments to make up and I could be here for hours."

"Well that's about a bitch! You made me miss my bus and everything!" I yell.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I'ma call you later or something, this bitch eagle watching me." I disconnect the phone and rolled my eyes.

"I hope the next bus ain't gone be to long." I mumble.

"I can take you home...ain't like I ain't did it before." Robin offers but I'm a little skeptical and he can tell. "Look unless you wanna wait out in that hot ass sun, follow me to my Camaro." Shid I guess he was right. I ain't been up in this ride ina minute I think to myself. He kept his car nice inside and out. "So here's the thing, I need some advice." He starts, starting the engine.

"Right I should of knew it was something, you ain't finna just give me no ride." I fold my arms.

"No seriously, that whole thing with me and Jayla it wasn't suppose to even go down like that...I got a full scholarship to MSU for football and Jayla wants us to go to FSU together and as time keeps approaching I just don't know..."

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