24: Competition..?

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*Monday Morning*


I was getting annoyed with my mama and daddy at this point they was actin crazy talkin bout makin some schedule for when me and Bella would go over his house and all that. I told them numerous time that we should have a say so in that, because after finding out some of the stuff I found out while I was over there, I don't even think I wanna step foot in that apartment again. Only good thing that came out of being over there is while Bella was in our room doing whatever with Christian, I actually hit off a little with Nick, Omar's other friend. I was getting ready for school when Bella came into my room.

"Can I see your laptop?" She asked me knowing I ain't allow a single soul to touch my laptop.

"What's wrong with yours?" I asked her.

"I think it got a virus and mama don't wanna get it fixed."

"Don't mess up mines Bella." I tell her after digging around my closet for a moment trying to find it. It was a Dell Inspiron 17 5000 Series Touch. I hardly use it but when I do it's only for a little bit since I use my phone for almost everything.

"I'll take care of it for you." She said grabbing and walking out.

"What you even need it for?" I asked her before letting her walk out with my laptop.

"I'm trying to order some furniture for Camden, Preston letting me keep the Debit card he gave me and he just put some more money on it so I can buy more baby stuff." I smiled a little at the nice gesture Preston made for his kid.

"Aww good luck, you should get some dark wood furniture."

"I wanted white but since it's a boy, maybe dark wood a be better."

"You could still get white but the inside padding could be baby blue with stars to mach the changing table."

"Good idea, I'll see if I could find some like that." As much as I wished I could skip school today and help my sister shop for baby stuff, my mama wouldn't let me. Bing. I got a text message from Nick:

'Hey what you up too?'

'About to head off to school'

'Aw coool...what high school you say you go too?'

'Eagle High'

'Awww ma lil sistah go there'

'Awwww fr what's her name?'

'Nayeli but you might no ha as Nea'

I was in disbelief that I was talking to Nayeli's brother. Me and her almost like best friends and I knew she probably wouldn't appreciate it. I didn't text Nick back because I was stuck on stupid after that one. I got on the bus on my way to school, it was still a little cray not seeing Corey. I was starting to get over his lies but I don't know I was starting to have some real feelings for Nick. I met Nayeli by our lockers as usual. She was looking really pretty today, had on a pink body con dress and some platform heels.

"Girl yo brothers let you walk out of the house lookin' like that?" I faked a smile.

"Girl let me tell you something, my daddy walked out on all of us when I was still a embryo so therefore can't no male specimen in that house tell me what to do, say, or wear." She rubbed down her bang and tugged at her short tight dress.

"What's your brothers name again?" I asked.

"Nate and Nick, short for Nathan and Nickolas...why all of a sudden you so interested in my brothers?" She was starting to catch on.

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