39: Bella's Birthday Surprise

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IT'S MY BIRTHDAY BITCHES! I never thought I'd make it to see eighteen years old! I am beyond happy right now. It's about 11am and my mama didn't go to work today so she could stay home and make me a birthday breakfast. She had layed out some pancakes, eggs, biscuits, grits, toast, and some ham. I swea' me and Cam was finna eat good this morning. Stella couldn't afford to miss no more school so she had to leave this morning but she said some shit about taking me and mama out to eat later since I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do yet, I ain't trip, at least I could have a reason to wear this dress I ordered last week. I had surprisingly received so many Happy Birthday statuses on Facebook and a few DMs on instagram and even some videos on snapchat. I didn't get a message from Preston which came to no surprise since I been ignoring him, he probably was to busy eating some hoe pussy and don't even know that it's my birthday. The last thing I was finna do was let him ruin the one day that's reserved for me. I got a plate and got a little bit of everything, I knew for sure I gained about 100 lbs since I been pregnant. We sat in the living room to eat and watch TV.

"So what's your plans for today, other than going to dinner with Stella?" She asked.

I shrugged and took a bite out of my biscuit, "Nothing I feel like my birthday really came by surprise since of my pregnancy. Been so busy with tryna prepare for him...never really had time for myself..." At this moment I realize that I became one of those pregnant teenage girls who had to let her life go all because she made one big ass mistake, even though I wasn't tryna be...guess it's impossible to avoid.

She laughed and nodded her head in agreement, "Speaking of him....he's due soon, what next month or so right?" She asked.

"Yep May 18th." I say flatly starting to realize how soon that is and it's time for me to actually be a mother, I definitely didn't understand how serious this all was until now. "Ow." I whimper from a strong contraction I felt shoot across my lower abdomen.

"What? Are you okay?" My mama placed her bowl on the coffee table and came to sit next to me.

"Yeah guess that's his way of tellin' me not to stress myself out." I half smile but another pain, a even stronger pain hits me and I drop my plate, and all my precious food falls on the floor. "Owwww, ohh noo it can't be time." I mumble loud enough for my mama to hear because she nods her head.

"Ohh I think it is baby, come on." I looked down and the couch, it was coated in this clear substance, that was plastered all over my thighs and legs. I nearly tear up and faint when I finally accept my water has broken.

I shake my head from fear, "No mama he can't come now....ain't no furniture came and I AIN'T READY!" I scream as tears fill my eyes. She grabs both my arms to make me face her, once our eyes locked she smiled.

"Baby I was worried about you havin' this baby too but honestly I've seen you sort of mature since you been pregnant and I know deep down in my heart you can do this....you got my help, your dad's help, and even Stella's help alright?"

"....But I heard child birth hurts?" I frown.

She laughed and helped me up, "Yes it really does but I've done it twice so come on."

Once we made it to the hospital, there was a different receptionist thank God, she got my doctor to me right away. These contractions was starting to kick up and I swea' I wanted to fuckin' scream.

"Excuse me Dr. Morris can I please have that medicine that makes all this pain go away?" I asked immediately. He laughed and shook his head no.

"No not yet Bella...I checked your cervix and you're only two centimeters dilated, I wanna wait until you're at least five."

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