34: Detective Stella

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Me and about half of the school was pulled from class this morning to attend some random ass assembly from the Principle and Dean. I didn't mind getting pulled from class, but I ain't wanna sit in no hot ass auditorium listening to these two talk about nothing.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome. Today me and Dean Stevens asked that all of you show here because just a few days ago we lost a dear student-"

"OMG NOBODY CARES THAT BRIT IS DEAD!" Some random student yelled at Principle Williams causing the whole auditorium to start laughing.

"Excuse me! Somebody find whoever said that and suspend them! Now despite Brit's reputation here at Eagle High she was still a student and no one deserved what happened to her. We are all aware of where the incident went down at Ms. Hartford's wild irresponsible party Friday. According to the police, no one knows or saw a thing which could be true, but we do indeed believe that somebody saw something and the police are questioning everybody who was at that party. Now if you could welcome Ms. Hartford to the stage for a few words." Principle Williams gave the microphone to Jayla, who faked a distraught look.

"Hello everybody and welcome to this assembly for our lost one Brittney Byers, known as Brit. She was dear to many hearts and I am just totally destroyed that she had to lose her life at my party. I really wish I knew what happened so I could send that murderer to jail for life but unfortunately I am just as clueless-"

"Jayla how about you tell the truth! You know exactly what happened to Brit, you think nobody saw you sneak in the crowd AFTER Brit was shot! So where was you at exactly?!" I stood up, getting tired of listening to her sad attempt to try and act innocent.

"Umm first of all Stella it's rude to interrupt somebody when they talking and second I'm telling the truth when I say I don't know nothing. Can I get a show of hands of the people who allegedly saw me sneak in the crowd after Brit was shot?" She asked and nobody raised they hand except Nayeli.

"Oh right you saw it too, because you happened to be buddies with Stella right? You two really need to find some business. Here Principle William I ain't about to stand up here gettin' accused by those two." After she handed him back the mic she exited the auditorium and I followed.

"Jayla you can fool just 'bout this whole city but you ain't foolin' me." I tell her.

She slowly turned around, ".....What you want me to confess to huh? Killing Brit or havin' some to do with it?"

"The truth because I know you know it." I cross my arms ready to hear what her excuse was gone be next.

"Fine." She moved closer to me, "I didn't kill Brit, but I know who did because I set it up." She whispered. It felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion as she spoke. I knew she was guilty I just wished I had evidence.

"Why would you want to kill Brit?" I stepped away from her.

"You don't think I know she was pregnant by my boyfriend,-"

"But she had a miscarriage."

"I wasn't about to let her off the hook just because she had a miscarriage, she deserved what happened to her, let that be an example....Stella." I huffed indicating that she won't ever in her life try me like that, because I'll come back from the grave to whoop ha ass. The assembly finally ended and the auditorium emptied in a hurry, students flooded the hallway getting to they next class. I spotted Robin out of the crowd lookin' delicious as always. Dressed in dark washed denim jeans and a white button down polo, matching his all white Nike's. He just got a fresh lining which made any male more desirable. I hesitated to talk to him but after I remembered what people was saying I thought he should know if he already didn't.

"You do know that nobody could find you after everything went down at the party, so now you almost like the number one suspect." I whispered to him just in case he ain't want nobody to hear.

"Yeah I know..." He said as he kept walking.

"You not worried that you can go to jail for murder?" I pushed his arm causing him to stop and look at me. The look in his eyes gave me my answer, "unless you know something right?"

"I don't know anything, stop tryna be a detective and let the actual police do they job." He spat and continued walking. I wasn't about to let him get away with that one though.

"I seem like the only person who even cares to try and find the fuckin' truth about what happened to Brit while the police questioning the wrong people, but I mean of course you don't care to investigate further since you the boyfriend of the real suspect."

"What's up with you and yo hate against Jayla? What she ever do to you? Is it because you feel like I chose her over you?" He stood over me. I rolled my eyes and immediately felt rage.

"Robin this ain't got nothing to do with you or her, I don't care about y'all reckless ass relationship. A innocent girl lost her life because of yo psycho ass girlfriend! But of course you don't care, you probably done got just as crazy as she is. But ion even care you know Jayla guilty and it a come to light when it do and you and her can be sittin' behind bars for the rest of y'all life." I end the conversation by walking away from him before I ended up smacking him. I spotted Nayeli by the staircase staring at her phone.

"This day just keep gettin' betta and betta." I say sarcastically but she not payin' me no type of attention. "What you lookin' at that got you so focused?" I asked her.

"Social Media. Some people recorded Preston's proposal at Jayla's party and it done went fuckin' viral that quick look." She showed me how many likes and views one of the videos got on YouTube and even a few comments. One said "LMFAO He proposed to the Side-CHICK!" and people was even making hash-tag statuses on Facebook. Like #bellawifeynow? or #shewannastaysidechick. It was even some really mean ones and so many statuses. Nayeli was friends with Sprite so she showed me her statuses too, "I been #WIFEY material but he'd rather settle for less???" and other petty ass statuses.

"They going crazy, I feel bad for yo sista though."

"Yeah this the last thing she need but when did this start?" I asked strollin' through more statuses and even some pictures.

"I think Saturday, I'm not sure but Nick actually saw them first and then he showed me."

"Nick? Really...." I tried to act normal because she still ain't know that we was together or whatever.

"Yeah ion know he ain't really been hisself lately, my mama was gone yesterday and he had some girl over there, it was fuckin' disgusting, my room right next to his and ugh seriously just foul."

"Wait so he had some girl over there....while y'all mama was gone?" I bit my lip out of anger.

"Yeah ion know who she is but he know my mama don't play that."

"Wow." My final words rung in my head.

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