70: Farewell.....and See you soon (Finale)

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I was released from the hospital yesterday evening. My mama at work and Camden taking a nap. I've been checking the news all day, trying to see what's going on with Preston. But I haven't heard about nothing. It was really starting to bug me. I was happy that Wayne was gone now for good. 

"Hey....Soldier." I enter Stella's room. She was packing her clothes.

"Soldier? You jumped out of a second story window, I think we know who the real soldier is." She smiles up at me and finishes folding her clothes.

"Girl please, you was shot three times...and lived....you're much stronger than me." I sit on her bed.

"I guess, I'm just glad the baby okay." I was really happy to tell her the news.

".....Yes.....she's fine." I grin.

Her eyes get wide and she pauses what she was doing, "You're having a girl?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Well yeah, that's what the doctors are saying. It's still early, she can grow a dick in the next few weeks." We laugh.

"I hope not, I want a niece....have any names yet?"

I turn my attention to the window debating whether or not I should tell her the name I picked. "Yeah, I'm feeling one name.....but it's a surprise."

"Oh...well I'm happy for you..." Her facial expression saddens.

"Why are you....what's wrong?" I get concerned.

I notice her eyes get watery, "......I don't know if mama told you or not yet.....but doctors are saying I'm not able to have kids after that bullet went through my uterus." My heart broke for her and I immediately got up, ran to her and held her in my arms as she cries. 

"Oh my god, I didn't know Stella really?" She nods her head and continues to cry.

"I don't know what's going on with my life.....but to top it all off....mama and daddy came to some agreement that I'm about to move half way across town to stay with him." She wipes away her tears.

"At least they letting you stay at the same school, right?" I try to make this situation better but honestly I am sad that she's leaving.

"..I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna wake up over there with him and Shay. I belong here with you!" She get furious and start throwing clothes every where. 

"You can come over here, this is still your house too. Just because you live over there don't mean you banned from over here.....you know I'ma ask you on a daily to come and babysit for me." I get her to half smile. 

"..What about that cafe job you got?" She asks.

"Uhhh, they gone let me start next week instead, since my injury and stuff." I tell her.

"I'm happy for you...Bella I really am....but you won't be alone, I heard mama letting Lyric stay for awhile." She tells me and I just rolls my eyes, I'm not to fond of Lyric.

"Ugh, I.....don't know what's going on with me right now. I feel like.......I feel like Christian is still alive." I quietly tell her.

"What? Why? We went to his funeral."

"I know this but I got this feelin' Stella, I think he changed his name and all because I saw him the night I was brought to the hospital."

"....Are you sure Bella?" She asks.

"I am positive." I say. Camden starts to cry. "Let me go get him." I get off the floor and go into his nursery. His pacifier fell out of his mouth so I simply just put it back in and he drifted back off into sleep. I grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter and sent some more messages to Mia, who still I have heard no word from since what happened. I know she can't possibly think what she did was wrong. I checked her Facebook page which hasn't been updated since that day. "Come on Mia.....pick up." I talk to myself after dialing her number but with no luck. I wanted to give up and let her come to me when she was ready but I don't have a good feeling about any of this. I slam the phone back on the counter and take a deep breath. Someone knocked at the door. I looked out our barely used peep hole.....and right before my eye was the same guy who saved my life Friday. I snatched the door open and stood across the thrust hold. "......Christian?" I can hear the sound of my heart beating rapidly.

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