4: Pizza Parlor Drama

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I was finally heading out of the school with Robin. We were going to take his car, it was a nice ass car too. I think a 2015 Chevy Camaro, it was all white with black rims. I could tell he was the kind of guy that loved his car so much and would probably kill somebody over it. I was nervous to get in but riding in the car with my dream guy, I wasn't about let that chance up. I got in while nervously shaking. He had the music blasting which scared me nearly to death and once he realized it did he turned it down.

"Everything scares you." He said laughing.

"Just drive Griffins." I demanded. Half way into the drive I thought about what my mom had told me last night. But was I seriously about to tell the guy of my dreams that I couldn't come with him to the pizza parlor because my mother told me to come home right after school? Um NO! I sat there watching the buildings go past, glancing over at Robin every now and then. I didn't realize that he was noticing though.

"Damn, what you keep lookin' at me for?" He questioned me but knowing he wanted me too.

"Who said I was lookin' at you?"

"Must like what you see?"

"Are we getting closer to that pizza parlor or what?"

"Be patient it's right up here." He turned into the parking lot, and we got out. The parlor was huge to be honest and it was quite empty.

"Nobody's here...thought they had good food?" I joke.

"Chill they do come on let's find out." We sat in a booth near a nice window where the view was nice. The waitress took our order which could be no other than pizza. They had pretty good service though, our food came within five minutes.

"Wow this is good." I say chewing my pizza.

"Told you." He respond.

"Now....about Brit." I jump right on the conversation.

"Don't you wanna eat first?" He was avoiding the subject but what he has failed to realize is that's the only reason why I came. Fuck this pizza.

"I really wanna know...."

".....All girls must be this nosy."

"Haha very funny....but seriously I'm listening."

"Ahhh man whatever. Me and Brit ain't nothin' serious you know, like last month or whatever we just started messin' around. Only because Jay was outta town for a few weeks. Then Jay got back and I couldn't shake the girl. I mean she was cool or whatever and she was bomb in bed but I wanted to be serious with Jay. Her only reasoning for messin' with me was because some dude named Charles stopped fuckin' with her because of his girlfriend. I was only lookin' for some quick for a couple weeks that's all."

"....Really that's it?" I was in disbelief that this is what I came for.

"Yeah see ion know why you was so thirsty." He smirked.

"So you have no idea that Brit went to the clinic earlier today to get tested for HIV or to take a pregnancy test?"

".....WHAT!?" I assumed he didn't know and now I knew I was right.

"......Oh she didn't tell you?"

"No she didn't fuckin' tell me! Are you sure that's what she said?"

"Um yeah that's exactly what she told me."

"This is some bullshit!" He yelled throwing his slice of pizza at his plate. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was upset and not the good kind of sexy upset either.

"I'm sorry I thought you knew."

".....So I could have HIV?" He lowly asked himself.

"....Or a baby..." I piped in.

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