69: Is Christian...Carmelo?

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"Christian...." I mumbled in a blurry slur of words. "Are you there....Christian?" Everything around me was spinning and I felt the hands of someone caress my face. "Why did you leave me, Christian?" Was I dying? I was in a very bright room, I could only see a light....and the faded memory of my deceased lover. "Why did you leave me Christian?" I kept asking over and over again to the faded blur I was looking at. The chills shot up my spine as I slowly placed my hands on his face....this was real? Was I actually touching the face of my true love? "Is that you?" I waited for a response, but nothing. This had to be a dream, I didn't want it to be....I wanted this to be real. "I miss you." I say. 

  A loud beeping noise brought me out of my trance. I blink a few times and realize that I am once again laid up in the hospital hooked on IVs with my mama sitting next to my bed. I sigh heavily causing my head to spin even more. "UGGH!" I yell.

"What's wrong are you okay?" My mama hops up.

"I'm....fine whatever. What's going on? Why they got all these.....needles in me?" I get annoyed ready to pull them out.

"Stop Bella!" She grabs my hand, "Those needles not for you, they for the baby..." My heart suddenly slows down.

"What do you mean they for the baby? What's wrong with my baby?" I let my nerves get the best of me and I fell my fingers start to tremble.

"The doctors say that the baby is fine, but because of that incredible fall you took.....it almost didn't make it." Her eyes speak for her.

"Why am I...getting so lucky with life?" I lower my head.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused. But I didn't wanna tell her the truth.

"First I almost cause myself to miscarry and now.....this." I couldn't fight back the tears, they just came falling down.

"Bella that's alright, as long as you are safe and they baby's healthy let's just be happy, OK?"

"Sure." I wipe the tears away.

"Hey there, sweety. I was just coming back to refill your IV bag. How are you feeling?" Dr. Morris enters the room.

"I'm alright....You're probably tired of seeing me in here huh, Dr. Morris?" I half smile.

"Ahh, it's alright. I never get tired of doing my job, and you're my favorite patient." He smiles.

".....How's my baby?" I reluctantly asks. He was silent for a long time while he replaces the IV bag and makes sure the fluid is still going through the needle. "Just tell me its alright...." My eyes start to burn as I prepare for whatever news I was about to get.

"Well......I can surely tell you that.....she is just fine." He grins like the joker.

My heart picks up speed and I shoot looks at my mama who is already smiling covering her mouth.

"She?? I'm having a girl? I-m having....a girl?"I look back over at Dr. Morris who is gladly nodding his head 'yes'. "Oh my God, I'm going to have a little girl.....a little girl?" I place both hands on my growing belly.

"Yep, she's a healthy little soldier.....wanna tell us how you injured your back?" He folds his arms and stares at me hard but I just shy away not really wanting to go back to what happened, "Bell you almost put your baby's life in danger, well actually you did.....so why don't you go ahead and tell your mother while I go get the discharge papers, alright?" I just nod to get him out the room.

"Well?" My mama pushes it.

I sigh, ".....I went to Wayne's apartment yesterday, that condo near the downtown area....on Wells."

"On Wells......that condo blew up yesterday, firefighters are saying broken gas pipes."

"They're wrong, Wayne set a bomb....he knew I was coming some how and he planned to blow me up." I finish.

"WHAT!?" She stands up.

"Well he obviously didn't but yeah....so to avoid being blown to pieces I jumped out of the window, thus injuring my back."

"Why did you go over there!?"

"I was looking for Preston." Tears suddenly come pouring. ".....He had Preston in that condo somewhere locked away, and now he's dead." I cover my face to save myself the embarrassment of crying. "I have nobody to help me now mama, I'm all in this alone.....I'm all alone." I shake my head while tears still pour.

"They didn't say anything about a body being found, Bella. Maybe you're wrong." She comes to comfort me.

"The building blew up, his body is probably just dust now." I continue to sob.

"Teeth can't burn maybe they'll find some dental evidence, you've gotta have hope."

I push her away, "I was told to have hope when Christian was laying in this very hospital in a coma fighting for his life, and what happened? He died! All that hope was for nothing because in the end God was still going to take away the person I loved....so what's to say he won't do it again, or if he didn't already? I'm done having hope at this point." Almost immediately the sadness I was just feeling turns into boiling hot anger. I didn't know who to be mad at or what to be mad about, but then I remember....before I blacked out I seen Christian. He carried me to his car and brought me to the hospital. "Go get Dr. Morris mama now!" I order and she flies out of the room. Minutes later they emerge back into the little cramped room.

"What's going on?"

"Dr. Morris, do you know who brought me to this hospital last night?"

"Uhhhhhhh, yeah a gentleman by the name of Carmelo."

My anxiety slows down, "Carmelo? Did he leave a last name?"

"Carmelo Boyle." I try quickly to put the pieces together but I didn't know what to think.

"Why Bella what's going on?"

"I didn't jump out that window alone yesterday night, if it wasn't for him I would of died in the building...I didn't get a good look at him until we were outside, and I swear to you when I did....it was Christian." I looked her straight in the eyes.

"You took a pretty hard fall....maybe your head was just messing with you." Dr. Morris suggests.

"Did you see him, when he brought me in yesterday?"

"No he checked in with one of the receptionists and stayed for a few hours and left before the crack of dawn." He informed me.

"Carmelo....what if Christian didn't die, what if he just went ghost for awhile and changed his name?" I was hyping my spirits up that he might some how still be alive.

"I'm sorry to kill your spirits Bell, but I was here when he died. Unless he faked his death there is no way."

"And plus if he wanted to go ghost wouldn't he change his last name as well?" My mama throws in. "I think the medicine has you a little off, maybe you should rest." She tries to lay me back down but I refuse.

"NO! I'm not going crazy I know what I saw and I'm going to find out what's going on. Give me those discharge papers, I'm going home."

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