22: The Infamous Omar

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*Friday night*


Omar was exactly my father, just a younger version, he was mid-height and light skinned, with brown and blonde dreads twisted to the back. He had both his ears pierced with diamond screws in them. He was dressed in black Levi jeans, a black muscle tee, and some all black Nike shoes. He was pretty built if you ask me but I ain't lookin' at him that way. He stood there in shock of seeing us.

"Just in time boy, these girls bout to eat all the food. Better come dig in before nothing be left." My daddy said to him and he slowly walked toward us. He had tattoos all over both his arms and one on his neck. His left eyebrow was pierced as well. He stood over me and Bella, observing us harshly. 

"...Are these...my sistas?" He finally spoke, his voice heavy with confusion.

"Yhup, Stella and Bella." My daddy introduced us. I waved politely but Bella continued eating. I could tell she wasn't really no fan of him, but I was willing to give him a chance.

"Wow...I heard all about y'all but I never thought I was gone get to meet y'all." He said pulling up a seat next to Bella. She immediately got up and went into our room. I couldn't believe she was acting like this.

"Is she...."

"Pregnant yes." My daddy answered his unfinished question and I just nodded.

"So how old is you?" He asked me.

"I'm u-um s-sixteen." I stuttered uncontrollably.

"What about her?"

"She's seventeen..."

"Same age as my youngest brother would of been if he was still livin'."

"I'm go check on her." I got up and walked to the room. She was layin on her side facing the closet.

"Bella you good?" She didn't respond. "Bella Michelle Mitchell." I called her by her full name which she hated, and she immediately turned and cut her eyes at me.

"Don't try that again Stella Christine Mitchell." She smirked calling me by mines. I didn't hate mines but I wasn't fond of it either.

"What is yo problem, acting like a ghost den came through when he came in."

"He gives me the wrong vibe Stella ion know why he just do."

"I think you actin like mama, being paranoid for no reason at all." I tell her.

"He ain't right Stella." She whispered. I just laughed at how weird she was acting. Then our room door opened and Omar came in, he closed it gently behind him. Bella jumped up staring at his every move.

"What you in here for?" She hissed at him.

"I was just comin' to check on you, look like I had caused some tension when I came in, wanna make sure you good." He said comin' closer to her. I was a little spooked now but I ain't show it. He slowly crawled into the bed with Bella, hovering over her body face to face.

"I knew you looked familiar, that lil friend of yours got me arrested and I believe you had some to do with it....but then again I could be wrong...what do you think?"

"I knew what you was doin' to her you piece of shit, so yeah I had something to do with it." She told him.

He laughed softly, "Sleep with one eye open while you ova here, sis." He said before kissing her forehead and getting up from the bed. "And I hope you don't snitch cuss the same could go for you little sis." He pointed to me and left out the room.

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