5: Destroyed .

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I was arriving at school when I saw Robin standing by the main entrance, I assumed he was waiting for somebody. Once he saw me he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the school.

"So I need you to keep your mouth shut about me and Brit."

"No problem."

"....I've already confronted that bitch so her mouth shouldn't run at all."

"....You what?" I know Brit didn't me to tell Robin so now I knew she was mad.

"I needed her to know that as far as I'm concerned me and her never and will never happen."

"Oh my....What the fuck! She told me not to say anything."

"Relax you did the right thing. I needed to know in case I got HIV or some. You could of potentially saved my life." I felt good hearing that from him but I know that no one could save mine from Brit when she sees me. He hugged me and went to look for Jayla I assumed. I hurried to my locker before the bell rang for first period. I didn't see Brit. Great! I thought and headed to the fourth floor for first period. Waiting for me in front of the classroom door....was Jayla.

"So I heard that you was at the pizza parlor with my man yesterday."

"Ummm, what you got spies?"

"....Don't worry about all of that. I don't appreciate you strutting your ass around here like you don't like Robin when in reality you know you want him."

"Trust if I really wanted him I would've had him by now." I say confidently.

"Bitch please have you seen me!? No one would leave all of this for all of...that."

"What makes you think you're better than me? Because you weigh like 100+ less than me. Honey always remember that boys like more to squeeze and that's something that you can't offer."

"Always remember that the skinny bitches bite the hardest.."She walked off to her class and at this point I knew that I was on her naughty list. I wanted to snatch that lil skinny hoe by her throat and choke her out but I know Robin wouldn't like that. My teacher this period was being a lil bitch today for some reason, kept pointing me out like I was the only student in the class. I wanted to curse her ass out but that would've looked good. I just kept my mouth shut and did what I had to do. After that class I was free to go....to my next class of course. I tried ducking and dodging Brit for the next few periods but she caught me right before 6th.

"Don't be trying to avoid me Mitchell!" She yelled coming straight my way.

"Brit listen....I didn't do it on purpose."

"I'm sure you didn't! So what was your real fuckin' reason?!" She was red and I hadn't seen her this mad not even when she was about to murder Kelsi.

"It slipped out and I couldn't go back and change that."

"Why you think I didn't want him to know huh? This shit get out to the school and I'm fucked! You really need to watch who you talk to and what you say especially when it involves somebody else life!"

"You know what Brit. I appreciate the kindness you've given me since I been here, but you know like I know the only reason why we even friends is because I stopped you from getting your ass whooped by some girl because you was sleeping with her boyfriend! So quite frankly that should tell you somethin' like stop messin' with other girl's boyfriends and find your own meaning stop being a nasty lil hoe and you wouldn't find yo'self in these situations." I had just realized that I let her have it and have it all. She was speechless and I didn't know if I should get ready and start swinging or what.....

"You are ABSOLUTELY right.....but we aren't friends anymore so you don't have to worry about me being a hoe no more. But just a heads up....I know you have a thing for Robin, trust me I know and if you really want him than you better start acting more like it because whatever he told you it isn't true, I could have him back in my bed like that." I was getting angrier by the second hearing her talk about Robin like that.

"You better leave him alone..."I warned.

"....Or what? I'm already pregnant by him, so there is nothing you can do." She teased rubbing her exposed belly.

"You're happy that your pregnant in tenth grade!?" I asked her.

"It just goes to show that I am one stop closer to Robin than you'll ever fuckin' be so yes I'm ecstatic." I didn't know whether or not she was lying about the pregnant thing so I didn't want to hit her but I'll get her with my words.

"I'm really not even that surprised of course a hoe like you would use something like a 'pregnancy' to get a guy because no one wants them. Girl move not even worth my time." I said stepping past her. I knew that was the end of me and Brit ever being friends. Plus she was my ONLY friend so I didn't know what was going to happen now. I could only hope for the best.

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