Should I Re-Write This?

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Like actually? The style and grammar sucks- I've changed since then and I'm confident I could patch this little piece of mischief into something... better? Yeah. I write so much better in third person now and I've realized that if I focus on what I'm good at I get really far.

Back onto the main topic once again, should I re-write it? If so should I keep this one and write a newer, not entirely the same, storyline as this or edit this one to make it better? Lemme know. I love hearing feedback

2024 Update: I edited and rewrote certain parts and helped fix the missing holes in the plot I created overtime as I was writing. I also made it more detailed, but I didn't add too many extra words because each chapter I moved to was a mystery for me. So I fixed the major errors and rewrote certain things! I also came to realize I never finished out the storyline with Hawke, just basically skipped to the beginning of Inquisition. The book sequencing out to this is a Cassandra x reader because I killed off Fenris for no reason. However I am willing to be convinced to write a spin off where Fenris joins the reader at Haven and continue out their story. Comment to let me know!

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora