Chapter 23- A Child?!?!?!

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*first I wanna say something, I'm sorry. The last time I think I did this, I may have over..... no I did.... I cursed a bit too much.... so I wanted to apologize for it.... I hope you forgive me... -Eren P.S. I'm gonna die! The rain! It's HELL! (cries) May. 22, 2019 11:50 PM* 2024 Update: Wtf is wrong with you. We do not apologize to our children for cursing. A lot of them revel in it! And no, you didn't die.
I sighed, it's been at least a week now since Fenris and I had our encounter in the night. I looked around for him, but every time I thought I'd found him he wasn't there. I decided to go to his home to wait for him because of the news I had to share with him was of a magnitude that would rival the night sky all by its lonesome. The sex we had had resulted in me becoming with child. I had gone to Anders in his clinic to confirm it, my heart racing the entire time while he did his tests before confirming it. I rested my hand on my stomach as I leaned back in the loveseat of the home, looking around the room quietly for a moment. I laid my head back against the chair and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to find myself in one of my dreams, looking around for a moment before I felt my body suddenly shift and just like that I was running.

I was running with Parker, and we were kids again. Anna wasn't there, just me, Parker and Blaze. I couldn't recognize anything except for one thing. Varric. My eyes widened and I approached him, "Varric? What are yo?-"

"Sister? We need to go," He said turning around.

"Sister? Varric!" I laughed, "We're not siblings!"

He turned to me and nodded as his brown furrowed. "Yes, we are. You just can't remember so bad that you conjured those over two to take Bartrand and I's places. Can't you remember anything? Why were you having memories when they showed up?" He shook his head, "You need to remember and soon, chose (Y/n). Qunari? Or your family?" And as he finished those words I could feel as my body was thrown into an abyss of darkness.

"(Y/n)!" Fenris yelled, lightly shaking me awake. "Hey? Are you okay, love?"

"What? Wait... What?" I shake my head and sigh. "That was a strange dream... I forgot why I came here now."

Fenris raised a brow and then it dawned on me, I was carrying his child. My face flushed almost beet red. "Actually I remember now. Fenris, what do you think about children?"

"I've never thought of having them. I feel like I wouldn't be able to protect them, especially since I haven't been able to protect you even once." I felt my heart melt at his words and tenderly grab his hand and guide it to my stomach, seeing his brows furrow together until he feels a sudden movement beneath the garment. His eyes lift up to meet mine as he shook his head. "I'm confused. What?"

"I'm with child." I could see it in the way his eyes widened that his heart sunk to his stomach, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek.


"I..." I looked away from him, eyes softening as I tried to fight back tears.

He looks me in the eyes the best that he can. "This is......-" I look away further and he growls slightly. "Look at me." I turn my head to him, "This is the best thing that's happened to me over the years. Well, except for meeting you of course..." He leaned forward and lovingly kissed my forehead.

I smiled sweetly back at him, "And here I was thinking you would have left me....." My face flushed even more, "I love you Fenris..."

"I love you more, and (Y/n)?" He said, with a smile.

"Yes?" I tilt my head slightly to the left.

"I am yours..."

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن