Chapter 15- Hawke's Scheme!

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*It is school, May. 2, 2019. 7:16AM. I have some time before school starts to update so I will try! -Eren*
After Fenris and I kissed, we both blushed. I looked away first, "So... How long have you, you know, liked me?" I asked, the blush darkening.

"It has been quite a bit now... Remember when I hugged you at the Qunari compound? And when I somewhat interrogated you at the compound? And when I hugged with what happened with Aveline? Then, those moments strengthened that love for you," He said, the blush on his cheeks darkening a larger shade of red. "I couldn't help except to be so in awe of you. Despite your being a mage, you captured me in your eyes and I felt entranced whenever I met your eyes."

"So, you've had these feelings before Aveline? Why didn't you tell me then? Fenris..." I said, after the blush cooled down and I could look back at him. His eyes traveled up to mine and he no longer blushed. There was a knock at the door.

"Mistress (Y/n)?" An unknown voice said slowly. Unknown to Fenris, burned into my soul.

I leaned into Fenris, fear taking over me as I barely managed to whisper the woman's name. "Anna... Anna Llamar!" My back was pressed firmly against the elf, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled her behind himself.

"(Y/n)? Who is it? It sounds a bit like Leandra...." Fenris said, and it did now that he had mentioned it. It sounded just like Leandra. I stood and crept cautiously over to the door, watching calmly as Fenris opened it slowly, revealing a smiling Leandra.

"Aunt Leandra!" I whined out, annoyed. "Why would you mimick her?!" I whimpered into the male as he held my body to himself.

"I agree, I've never seen her so spooked. She looked as if the Maker himself was gonna send her to Oblivion," Fenris spoke, standing up for me. His eyes shadowing, but stopping after Hawke walked around from behind her mother.

"I'm sorry, I put her up to it..." Hawke said slowly.

"Marian....." I growled under my breath at the rogue before me.

"What? I said I'm sorry!" Hawke said, putting her hands up quickly. She looked to her mother, then to Fenris, "Sorry, sorry, I'll leave...." And Hawke walked away quickly.

Leandra spoke up next, "I'm so sorry, (Y/n), I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I promise I won't do it ever again...." She too, put her hands up and began walking away, "Have fun on your date!" She called back loudly, with a smile on her face.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang