Chapter 9- A Little Bit More Than A Friend...

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I stood there, just outside the Hanged Man, a tiny smile on my lips. Over the last three years I have gotten closer to Aveline, Anders, Varric, Fenris, Blaze, and Parker. Yet I've grown a little bit apart from Isabela, which pains me.

She was, no is, a good friend and I don't want to lose that. I feel bad still about Bethany, Leandra says not to blame myself, yet that's all I seem to be able to do. Blame myself. It was my fault however, she wouldn't have died if I would have taken all of the corruption at once, but I didn't and she is dead all because of me. I walked up to the door and was about to open it, when I thought slowly to myself, 'What's Gamlen doing?' He wasn't even outside, I just wanted to know what he was doing.

(Storyteller and the Seeker Moment!)

"So, why did you feel so strongly that Bethany's death was your fault?" Alex asked.

"I could have done so much more, to try to keep the corruption from even hitting her. I could have taken it all. Prevented her from coming, knowing where the Wardens were, or anything else that didn't require her death..." A tear fell from my eye as I said this, "However, what's done is done, and I cannot change that. But if I could I would go back and sacrifice myself for her every time..." I spoke up again.

"I am sorry for the loss of your Cousin. How did the Champion take it?" He asked after I finished.

"How else? She was just as broken as I was that her sister died, only she didn't ever walk herself into the vile pit of self blame. I wanted her to blame me for her death too, but I know she couldn't bear the thought of it." I replied slowly.

"Oh, well continue with your story... I am beginning to like listening to you talk." He smiled, for the first time since I was dragged in here, he smiled. He looked at the door, "Or would you rather go outside and take a walk? We've been in here for a few days now...."

"I would like a walk, sure... Come on let's go," I stood up out of the stone chair and we walked outside. The building I was dragged into was actually a house. We walked out of the back, "Is anyone in the front of the house?" I asked Alexander.

"Yes, Cassandra, the other Seeker, why?" He asked.

I giggled, "Is she interrogating anyone?" He nodded slow, the two of us walked about the broken city until he paused and looked at me.

"Have you ever loved anyone? As more than a friend?" He asked softly.

"Indeed I have, multiple people actually," I asked meeting his yellow gaze, "Why?"

"Well, I want to know something..."

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.

"Have you ever killed someone you loved? Ever lost them? Ever stopped loving them?" He asked, looking to the sky, "You don't have to tell me..."

"I wouldn't want to tell you..." I looked up to the shield hanging on the side of the front, "The Amell Crest. It's branded into my back and I will never forget it.... I'm sorry Hawke, I'm trying to find you, it's just... Hard I guess. But we should get back inside, you probably want to know what went down at the Hanged Man that night." And we walked back inside the back, and I sat down in the chair, "It was normal at first and that's when Isabela started to talk over everyone and asked quite the unusual question..."

(Current Time (Y/n) Pov)

I was sitting next to Aveline, we were talking about what my patrol later would be like and why, "okay so, we will need to know just what to expect." Aveline started looking into my eyes, "We will need t-to..." I paused and locked eyes with her confused. "To figure out what your patrol should be, and where it is going to be....." She finished looking away quickly.

"Aveline?" I asked slowly, "what's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh it's nothing, just thinking...." She looked over to Hawke. She sighed loudly and turned her head back with a, "Here goes..." She looked me in the eye and spoke up, "(Y/n)? This may be odd for you, it's just I um... You know how you're a female and I'm a female, that's how it would be odd... But I um... I-I... May or may not... Like you and want to know how you felt back..." She said looking away a bit.

"Do you like me Aveline?" I asked, softly looking at her face, while she faced the table.

"I--" Isabela cut her off.

"I have a question! (Y/n)!? Do you like anyone?" She asked quickly.

"I-I-I... Personal information that I generally don't have to share with you....." I returned quickly. I turned to Aveline, "But do you?"

"I--" again Isabela cut her off.

"Varric! Why did you name Bianca, well, Bianca?!" She questioned.

He and I shared a glance and I nodded slow, I grabbed Aveline's hand and went upstairs and into Varric's suite, "I named Bianca, Bianca, because I felt like it, okay? Stop asking personal things because you like (Y/n)!" He yelled at the pirate.

"Aveline? How do you feel about me?" I asked, now that no one could interrupt her.

"I-I do have... Feelings for you. But, do you?" She spoke with a blush, unable to meet my eye.

"So you're admitting that you like me?" I asked, looking at her with my 'you think I am cute?' eyes. She smiled and took both of my hands and nodded slowly.

"Yes, I admit I do have feelings for you and may want to court you, if your okay with that..." She spoke with a soft tone of voice. I smiled and gently squeezed her hands in mine.

"I would like that, I really would like that Aveline..." I smiled sweetly at that. She returned the smile. I giggled loudly, "A little bit more than a friend..." She giggled with me.

"Indeed," she said and looked down at our hands with a small smile.

*Umm... so how do you feel about this? I'm still trying to debate if this  actually is a Fenris X Reader or if Aveline in my mind said no and switched it to a Aveline x Reader, which would you prefer? Fenris? Or Aveline? I can change this to an Aveline x reader if you wish it too.*

2024 Update: It stays a Fenris x reader. 

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