Chapter 17- Getting to Know Them...

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I sat down at the side of the table as close to my siblings as I could, "So, how long have you been here in Kirkwall?" I asked.

"About two months now, we weren't sure it was you, so we waited," Lucy said slowly. She was sat to (Y/n)'s left, "Did you know about us long?"

"I did, I just never fully believed it, but now... Now I have no other options, but to believe and that is because I can see both of you now, in front of my very eyes," I said, leaning back in my chair. My (h/c) locks falling over my (e/c) eyes slowly.

"It makes sense," Zenfir said slowly, his voice trailing, "You weren't sure if it was true, so you hesitated?"


"How long have you been here in Kirkwall?" Lucy asked slowly.

"Hmmm, about what? Three or four years now, Hawke?" I asked, looking to Marian.

"Yeah, you've been living with me for about three now, so yeah most likely," Hawke said, looking like she really wants to be introduced.

"Hawke, these are my little siblings, Zenfir and Lucy. You two, this is Hawke, your older cousin," I introduced them slowly.

"Wow! More family?! Is here anyone else?" Zenfir asked quickly.

"Huh? I thought he'd be like broody, brooding there," Varric mumbled.

"Once more, I do not brood dwarf," Fenris glared. I gently smacked his shoulder.

"Fenris... Be nice to Varric!" I teased, "Broody."

"(Y/n)..." Fenris warned, but it was too soft, even for him.

"There would have been more, if not for her coming with us and him being killed. They both....." Hawke stared, but cut herself off as she swallowed the thick lump in her throat.

"They are no longer with us, sorry to say, but our Aunt Leandra is here in Kirkwall, watch guys," I started and yelled out, "I need a messenger!"

"Yes messere!" Blaze yelled, darting over, "Leandra? Got it! Bye!" And he darted away just as quickly as he arrived.

I sighed, then chuckled, "What to do with you, Blaze.... What to do...." I shook my head playfully.

"Who is Blaze?" Lucy asked softly.

"A dear friend to me," I said, looking to the table, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Anna followed him out.

"(Y/n)? I have a question," A voice came, but his one was unknown to all of them.

I sigh again, this one stressed, "Yes, Meldria? What do you need?"

"Oh good, it is you. You know who wants to know if you will join us back, or die," She mumbled the last part quietly.

"Well, I've honestly two option; live and join, or die and rot. What seems to be the better choice?" I ask, standing up and placing my hands on the table.

"Hmm, that is a trick question again, isn't it?" Meldria asked, looking around slowly.

"Indeed," And that was all I said.

"Right... Your choice?" She asked.

I remained silent.

"She likes how you brood, but it creeps people out..." Meldria whined.

I remained silent again, finally after a second I spoke in a deep and low voice, "Maybe being an assassin isn't for you then, most of our kind like to please our contacts, I like to antagonize my targets before they die, it adds life to it. Now you, my dear bittersweet, Meldria, are too kind-hearted to kill anyone.. Give it up...." I smirked at her.

She began to sweat heavily, "How did you........."

"It's an assassin's job to know their mark well, so they know the best course of action they can take," I said, my smirk growing wildly.


"Tell the boss this, 'darkness rises when silence dies.'" After that, I looked away from the girl and back to my family continuing, "She'll know what it means."

"Of course," Meldria said, quickly running out of the Hanged Man. I sighed, my smirk vanishing.

"Business, nothing to worry about," I smiled as sweetly as I could manage.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now