Chapter 28- "A What Now?"

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I placed my hand on his left shoulder, "I know, but we couldn't have done any better...." I hugged him, as did Lexi.

"It's okay, Uncle Blaze! At least you tried!" Lexi smiled.

"That is true, we did..." I smiled, but couldn't keep it. He eventually left us in quiet panic, hiding. Cassandra walked in.

"There's a Conclave coming soon and one of you are going...." She stated.

"I'll go, but," I look to Varric, "You'll have to watch Lexi..."

"Why not bring her?" Alex asked, walking in.

"Oh I don't know... Templars and Mages all in one giant building at once? What could go wrong? And I don't wish to take any dangerous risks with this... You must understand?" I stated, sighing.

Cassandra nodded slowly, "I agree, it would probably be best anyway, danger or not..."

I smiled to her, "Thank you, for agreeing with me, Seeker."

She looked away and shook her hands, "Of course, but Varric shall continue telling us what happened here, got it dwarf?"

"Yes ma'am. Oh and Sis?" Varric looked at me.


"Be careful..." He stated softly.

I nodded, "I always am..." I stood up and followed Cassandra out and to a small room filled with suits and armors. She grabbed a suit, which was one of a seeker and turned to me.

"What kind of person are you, anyway?" She asked, surprisingly soft.

"Well," I started, "I'm not a seeker, like you or Alex, but I do have powers like one..." I nod slowly, "Anything else?"

"No. Put this on," She hands me the seeker uniform.

"Hm? What's this?" I look at her.

"So no one thinks your a threat to them."

I nod, "Ah.... Makes sense now..." I quickly change and Cassandra speaks again.

"You'll travel with Alex. Once there, you will watch for anything bad, got it? Hero of Ferelden?"

"Yes ma'am..." I looked towards the weapons, "You expect me to travel unarmed?"

"No. I do not, here..." She handed me a sword, two daggers, a shield, and a staff, all while looking away too.

I smiled softly, thanked her, and said my goodbyes. She, being Cassandra, stayed behind while Alex and I traveled. Blaze was to wait with Varric for me.

As we walked Alex turned to me, "So care to continue the story?"

"Why not? Could help pass the time!" I looked to the sky, "The Qunari attacked alright and they took a friend of mine with their deaths..."

(Qunari Attack- 3rd person)
(Y/n), alongside Blaze, ran down the burning streets. In her hands she held the tome, which she had managed to steal back from Isabela, and when they turned they saw Parker waving at them. She screamed out as a Qunari plunged his sword into the ravenette's back, tears filled her eyes and she struck the Qunari. Blaze shook his head and told her to run, and she did so.

She ran into more Qunari and saw one about to harm Hawke and Company, "Stop! GET TO THE KEEP! THE ARISHOK NEEDS ALL ABLED QUNARI THERE!" Luckily, Hawke and her friends couldn't tell it was her, or they would have yelled out. She opened her mouth and growled lowly, "This isn't your fight Hawke, stay out of it..." And I fled towards the keep, clutching the tome tightly in my hands. Hawke, however continued on, with her companions she drove them to the keep and once inside they were attacked by more Qunari. She barely managed to win the fight, considering to fact she still couldn't see from the attack from the sarabaas previously. They saw the same (h/c) girl as before, but this time she wore a glistening blue uniform. The metal shined with the sun's rays of light. And she growled at them again, "Hawke, I will not tell you again. Leave. Now."

Hawke shook her head and readied to fight, her vision cleared, only to have them all see no one. She continued and saw (Y/n) wearing the armor and Hawke shouted out, "So you chose the Qunari?!"

She shook her head, her (h/l) (h/c) locks falling over her shoulders, "I chose neither side... I chose my own," She handed hte Arishok the tome and stood next to Hawke, swinging her sword towards the Arishok's direction, "You have your tome! I challenge you Arishok, to the death! I win, the Qunari leave! I lose and I am dead! Deal?"

The Arishok smirked, "It was only a matter of time, deal.." They began to battle. In the end, however, (Y/n) came out victorious, but ran over and announced that Hawke had defeated the Arishok, smearing the blood of the Arishok off of her and onto Hawke, the nobles then chose Hawke as the Champion and Hawke frowned.

Fenris approached (Y/n), with a glare, "What the hell was that!?"

"Me saving, MY family, Fenris! Or at least what's left of it!"

I laughed slightly "And there you have it. How Hawke became Champion of Kirkwall! I only wish I knew where she was now or I'd tell you, but I don't. Hey, at least you got the Hero of Ferelden, right?"

"Hell yeah! Major upgrade!" Alexander shouted happily, "Huh? Oh look we're here!"

I stopped and looked up at the tall building, little did I know, my story had just begun.

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