Chapter 14- A Small Kiss With Fenris...

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I spoke with sincerity to my grieving Aunt, "What are those lilies for?" Bodahn mouthed, 'A possible lover.' And I nodded, feeling a wave of anxiety swirling in my stomach. Dread overlooming in the study and weighing on my already heated mind. I will not let this happen. "Forget I mentioned them, my friend Fe-"

"Yes, go on a date with him, after what happened with Aveline you could use a day out and about. And a new romance life," Leandra started slowly.

"I umm... It's not l-like that!" I looked towards the door to see Hawke.

"What's with the blushing and waterworks?" She asked slowly.

"Screw off!" We both yelled together, my voiced laced with my late mother's dwarven accent.

The Mabari that Hawke had, when they first came to Kirkwall, trotted over to the fire and laid down next to it. I stood, blushing, and took my leave. I had to do a report in front of Aveline about the house, which had my nerves adding irritation to the mix.

I walked into the Viscount's keep and knocked quickly on Aveline's door, "Come in!' I walked in and started my report, silently and without looking at her at all. She became aggravated with that and broke the silence, "Sooo, how have you been lately? We never talk anymore, and I am hoping we can fix things to the point of being close friends once more. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I'm not sure I can trust anyone anymore, and the Qunari aren't leaving. Someone's gonna be killed because of it. I just know it and it'll lead to a war. And I regret only saying it now, but Isabela played a huge role in all of this happening. I-I don't know who's side to be on either. The only people I have been able to trust are the Qunari who brought me here." Even though it was a heavy heated rant, it helped lower my stress.


"I forgive you however and I might be able to try to trust you again, but you will have to earn it. That takes time as well. Now may I take my leave?"

"Yes, have a good day." I only nod to her, walking out, I bump into Fenris.

"Hey, of all the ways to meet," He chuckles.

"Heh, yeah. Why do I always walk into you Fenris? Maybe its because you're so warm!" I hug him tightly. After a moment I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.



"Did you ask? Or should I?" He looked into my (E/c) hues.

"She said, it was okay. Encouraged it actually."

He does his usual half smirk and smile and kisses my nose lightly, "So, it's a date then?"

I blush noticing just what he mean't earlier, "I suppose so," I smirk evilly, "But you missed."

"I did? How so?" He looks deeper into my eyes.

"My lips are here," I lean in to kiss him, and just as our lips are about to meet I blow cool air into his face.

He gave a light glare in return, "Hmmm, what should we do tomorrow?" He lifted me into his arms slightly and began walking outside.

"Why is it always night?" I asked, looking around us carefully.

He thinks slowly before shyly speaking, "Think she might freak out if I stole you now? And gave you back sometime tomorrow?"

"Most likely, but I think it would be fine. As long as (Y/n) here, is alright with it," Leandra spoke, making Fenris blush lightly.

"Nice timing," I giggled as Fenris set me down slowly. I laid my head on his arm, and he wrapped an arm around my waist to help support me.

"May I steal her now, Mrs. Hawke?" Fenris asks formally, and Leandra nods softly. Fenris and I slowly walk down towards his house, still noting that it is indeed dark out, and inside the house was quiet. Fenris nudged my shoulder lightly and pointed in the direction of the spare and guest bedrooms, he looked away as he spoke.

"Fenris," I use my left index finger gently under his chin and my thumb resting on his chin, I guided his face to face mine, "What is it?"

"I-" He looks away again, "I- (Y/n), I have grown very fond of you in a way that doesn't involve friendship. And after what happened with Aveline about a few weeks ago-"

"Fenris, look at me," He does so, without a question needed, "Are you confessing to me?" He nods slowly, "Well then, earlier you really did miss," He looks at me confused as I leaned in and kissed him softly. After a moment he kisses back deepening the kiss, and because we have some human qualities, broke apart for air. Staring back at one another quietly before a smile broke out on my face. "I'm sorry was that to-" Fenris leaned in and stole the words from my lips as he kissed me again, hands snaking around my waist to pull my body flush with his broad, muscular chest.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat