Chapter 6 - Into the Deep Roads (Part 1)

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I walked to the front gate, it had been at least two months of me waiting here in the Compound for Anna to leave Kirkwall. I was losing my hope, Hawke has been talking more about the Deep Roads Expedition, and has actually started thinking about dragging me along for the ride. So that I am not holed up somewhere for a long time, and I can get out there and stretch my legs.

She needs at least ten more gold sovereigns to fund the expedition, she already had the maps. I looked to the edge of the docks to see Hawke talking with Isabela. I'm glad they made up as friends after that out burst a few days ago, (they had another) and they will be able to get along well again.

She walked over and I tossed a bag of fifteen gold, because frankly, what use is it to me? She smiled and nodded opening her mouth and saying a quick, "Thanks! We'll leave later today, meet us in Hightown okay?" And she ran off before she could hear my reply.

I turned and approached the Arishok, "Arishok, Hawke has be-" I was cut off.

"You may leave, it will allow you the time to spend energy and time with your friends and Karataam. But when you come back, come straight here. Got it?"

I nod with a smile and turn tail and start to pack some things for the trip.

"Are you gonna leave us behind?" Parker asked, grabbing onto my right forearm.

"It's the Deep Roads, and I have demons keeping the corruption from harming me, you don't. And you don't want to come with me on this trip, it could be dangerous. Okay?" I asked not turning around. He nods and sits on my cot after he had let me go.

"How long will you be gone?"

"A few weeks at best, don't worry I will come back to you, I promise. Now help me pack?" I ask, and he smiles.

(Timeskip because I am gay🏳️‍🌈)

I stood next to Hawke, Bartrand had just began talking. Since this was an expedition only a few people could come. Isabela, Anders, Fenris, Parker, and Blaze all stayed behind. Bethany, Hawke, Varric, Aveline, and I all stood together. Leandra had come and begged Bethany to stay, but she wanted to come anyway. I started walking quietly, with a strange feeling about the dwarf leading this team. Something is going to go wrong, I can smell it.

(Meanwhile with Y/n telling this story, like Varric does for Hawke!)

The Seeker for the Chantry, a man named; Alexander Masanda, was standing infront of me, "No way! That's not what happened! Somehow the Champion must have known what was down there and that is why she wanted to go!"

My eyes grew wide, "I wish, I really wish that's what it was, but it wasn't..."

"Then tell me what really happened...." He answered, brow furrowing.

"Alright... It started as a normal delve into the deep roads, but we weren't prepared for what was waiting for us."

(Back to Y/n with Hawke.)

I stood with a straight back, We made it! Zephyr look! We made it, Nina look! I yelled in my mind.

This Thaig, it............ something is wrong, be careful (Y/n), I fear our connection to you will momentarily be cut off from you at times, so be very weary. Okay? Zephyr warned quickly. I nod slowly at this new surge of information. I walked my way to the front where Hawke stood, looking at the surrounding walls. 

"This place is so unreal." I spoke, pushing some of my hair back before opting to tie it into a braid behind my back. As I let it fall to my side I could see Varric looking anxiously around the large dwarven cave structures. It took us a week to get even this far, and that was with what little resistance we came across.

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