Chapter 22- "Fenris!"

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(Fenris *decided to try something new... -Eren*) 2024 Update: We mostly use third person now.
I leaned against the wooden door, my eyes trailing up and down the figure of (Y/n). She hasn't noticed me yet, but she will. I coughed, letting her know I was there and she spun around shocked. "Fenris!" Her face flushed a vibrant red and she covered her face with her hands, "How'd you even get in here!?"

I chucked, shaking my head. "You should really lock your windows." I began stalking towards her.

"Ah I see, well what did you need? Fen-" I kissed her passionately and after a moment I felt her lips begin to move along with mine. I wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her flush against my chest as I deepened the kiss. She whimpered and shifted slightly, opening her eyes as she pulled back slightly. "Fenris..." I placed my lips onto her's once more, hungry for the taste of her lips. She kissed back, but parted shortly and looked away. Her eyes met mine, "Fenris? What is it? You've been acting strange lately. Well it has been about three months since we've been together. And about three weeks since the Darkspawn incident... Which I have mostly recovered from thankfully, but what is it?"

I looked away and dropped my arms to my side, feeling a bit ashamed of myself. I sighed slowly, "(Y/n)...."

"(Y/n)...." Fenris started and I looked as deep as I could into his eyes.


"We've known each other for a few months..."

"Actually it's three years and three months and three weeks to be exact."

"Whatever, well we've known each other for a while now. And I thought that maybe we could..." He began to sweat a bit, as his ears started to turn a hot pink.


He looked at me, "Yes?"

"What is it you mean?"

"It's hard to say.... To put into words...." He looked away again.

"Then show me," I took a step closer to him.

"You wouldn't... I don't want to hurt you in anyway..." He turned away and started to move, but I grabbed his wrist which caused him to flinch slightly.

"Fenris, Denarious isn't gonna touch me. He's not gonna take me away and hurt me. Fenris, my love, I am fine and always will be... As long as I have you and Hawke, Varric and Isabela, Merril and... Aveline, and maybe Anders. I will be okay.... an-" Fenris slammed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. I felt my face heat up and I couldn't help but to wrap my arms around his neck as I kissed back. He tilted my head to deepen the kiss and I allowed it as I felt his hands begin to roam along my sides until he backed me up against the wall. Letting out a soft gasp he pulled back anxiously and gave me a worried look. He started to pull away further while I simply smiled and grabbed his wrist, "Where are you trying to go?" I smiled and pulled him back into a kiss, pinning his slightly taller frame against the wall while he submissively obeyed. Eagerly obeyed.

(Timeskip, I don't know how to write smut.... but I think you can guess what he wanted to do with her! *wiggles eyebrows*) 2024 Update: Oh yes we do now. We learned with our first Leon Kennedy book. Leave comments down below if you want me to re-edit the chapter again to fit in some nsfw!

I curled against Fenris, and he held me close to his chest. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, and almost as instantly as his lips touched my forehead a memory flooded my emotions.

"(Y/n)! Come on! Come play with us!" Parker yelled at me.

"I-" I started to be cut off.

"(Y/n)! Why are we in the fade?!" Blaze yelled, eyes widened with horror as he backed up until it caused him to stumble.

"Come on! Come play! Get away from the portal!" I shouted, teasingly.

"No! You'll close it!" He argued.

"Whatever! Come on Parker! Let's explore!" I started. We began to walk away.

"W-wait! Please don't leave me!" He darted to catch up with us and I closed the portal behind us. "See! I told you!" He started to whine and saying that we were gonna get in trouble if we didn't go back right then so about an hour or so later of playing, I opened a new portal and we all went through. Standing back in the clearing we had been playing in while I was practicing with my magic.

(Flashback End!)
My grip on Fenris tightened. His eyes shot open and he looked down at me, then around the room, then back to me. "Love?"

"I'm sorry to wake you. I had just remembered something..." I let my head fall back against his chest as he began to lovingly rub my back. I hummed and brought myself closer as a smile found my lips. I shifted up slower, the blanket draped loosely over our naked bodies falling off from my shoulder as I held myself up by my hands. Fenris' eyes wandered along my figure before meeting my eyes with a shy smile. I laid back down as he shifted the blanket over our bodies once again and I nuzzled against the crook of his neck.

"Try to get some sleep." I nodded, already falling asleep in his warm embrace.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora