Chapter 13- A Silent Death, Yet Not the Last...

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(Y/n) *No A/n this time!~-Eren*

2024 Update: That counts as an A/n ding dong

I stood just outside the abandoned Foundry. The one where Hawke found Ninete's wedding ring. I turned swiftly and walked towards the abandoned house from my patrol, a bit back a ways from where I had been a moment ago.. And I walked in. I trotted over towards the back and opened the door. I shifted, looking into the room, "Boo!" Varric spooked me.

"Varric!" I screamed, covering my mouth with one hand and my chest with my other. "You startled me!

"Varric..." Hawke scolded silently.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were Aveline! I'm so sorry Lass!" He yelled, running to my spooked form.

"Seeing as how you scared her that bad, she's dazed now..." Fenris spoke up slowly.

"Varric.... You scared me!" I called again as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry, okay? I've said it a bit now, but I really am.... Can you ever forgive me?" He looked into my eyes.

"Hmmm, well... Can I? I suppose I can, just this once. Wait... Why are you four here? Yes, I see you back there Rivaini.." I look about the group.

"We were wondering where you were, my Mother wants you home. I'm not sure as to why, but she does..." Hawke spoke up.

"Hm? Oh, alright. I'll head home now then," I say, turning around a leaving silently.

"Want me to walk with you?" Fenris asked, slowly. After what happened with Aveline a few weeks ago, I have been around him more. Him, Varric, Hawke ("obvious one that," -Varric), Isabela again, Merril, Even the mage; Anders. I've grown even fonder of everyone, but Aveline.

"Sure, thank you," I say with a small smile. We start to walk down the street and over towards the path to Hightown. It was kind of quiet, so Fenris broke the silence quickly.

"Now that we're in Hightown, do you think Leandra, would mind if I stole you away... For a day? Tomorrow maybe?" He looked me in my (E/c) hues.

I smirked, "You'll have to ask. I wouldn't mind, but she might," I walked up to the door and turned around to face the male, "Thank you for walking with me, Fenris. It means a lot to me, it really does."

"I- Of course, (Y/n), have a good day," Fenris spoke, his voice soft.

"Likewise, Fenris. Goodbye friend," I said as I walked in. I walked over towards the back of the house and over to Bodahn, "Is Mistress Hawke still here?"

"Yes, she waits for you in the study," He says softly. I nod and walk in silently.

"Aunt? You need me?" I spoke up.

"Yes, I do. Where have you been?" She sat in one of the seats that were beside the fireplace.

"Finishing up my patrol from a bit ago, why?" I sat in the one nearest her.

"I've news, you may want to- oh, your already sitting. Well, it's about your father, he has... Passed..." She covered her eyes as she slowly wept. I stood abruptly, and walking over to embrace her. My father, dead, nothing made any sense today. I held her tightly as I felt my own tears well up in my eyes. Thirteen years of slavery just to escape and lose my only remaining parent. I had gotten word from my father after I was safe and hidden from the Tevinters that my mother was beside herself with grief and while he was away she had taken her own life. All because I was kidnapped and sold into slavery. I'm not sure how I should feel as the tears fell down the sides of my face, but I happened to notice a vase out of the corner of my eyes, filled to the brim with... White lilies.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon