Chapter 4- Missing Women!

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(Y/n)'s POV)
I sat with a willing patience as I waited for Hawke's arrival. She didn't tell me that she would be coming, but I could sense it. There was another scent coming from the air, and it wasn't of the good kind. Tension filled to the brim with fear and confusion. The growing anxiety from the people outside of the compound. I could feel it, the tension growing mostly with the Arishok and the Viscount. A war was coming, it was inevitable. I knew this from hearing the Qunari talking amongst themselves. I had no intention of remaining here once that happened. It would no longer be safe for me. I could hear footsteps coming from behind me and briskly spun on my heels.

"Y/n? Are you able to help us locate some people?" Hawke asked, looking at me as I moved a strand of hair behind my pointed ear. I looked over the other the group who was standing there patiently. I knew about women going missing recently, but it hadn't crossed my mind fully until now.

"Mwaren or Ninette? Both were fine women, I would have loved to meet them. One is a mage, the other was a wealthy noblewoman who minded her own business, but you're seeking out both to help them. To bring them back home. Who am I tracking and do you have anything they own with you?" I questioned, sounding as if I already knew what was wrong.

"That's actually a lot to go on... And we don't have anything of theirs to use to track them, but do you think you can still find them?" Bethany asked her voice going soft.

"Yes, it is indeed a lot to work off of. Do you know what has happened to the two women?" The male elf, Fenris, asked in a manner of interrogation.

"Oh these poor people and their painful existences. Some are more lucky though, but it isn't by default that you are born lucky. These women went through possible tragedy and you're here accusing me of knowing too much. I read the letters. I know the stories..." I shook my head and turned to walk back into the compound. As I walked I noticed the group stopped at the gate and Isabela turned and ran, anxiously diverted from the group to avoid being spotted. I began to leave them at the gate when Merrill pleaded with me.

"(Y/n)! These women are in trouble, you have to help us find them!" Merrill shouted making me stop in my tracks and turn to look back at them.

"They're likely in trouble no longer, Serah, but if you stay here any longer and you will be." With such I started to walk away, "Have you searched the foundry? The one Emeric mentions strictly in his notes?"

"No," They all mumbled, glancing between one another as I sighed, shaking my head as I rejoined them outside.

"Alright then. Follow me and I will take you to the foundry, but once there I will return here to the compound. It isn't safe for me to be out right now anyway, and I don't need to drag anymore attention to myself." With that being said I led them to the foundry. I sighed, knowing what would come in the distant future. No one ever goes missing in Kirkwall and has a happy ending. Something sick was plotted with these women going missing, and I didn't want to find out. The thought of a possible ending for me here made me freeze up at the outside of the building, feeling hands brushing against my shoulder as they maneuvered around me. Fenris had paused at the door to look back me, eyes interlocking and bringing me back from my mind. Staring curiously into his green eyes as he watched with contentment.

"Are you alright?" He asked, seeing me blink a couple more times as I fully shake free of the thoughts running through my head.

"Yeah... Yes, sorry. I-I apologize, but I must be going." I raised my hands slightly and looked away from him, turning and walking down the stairs as I heard him enter the building and shut the door behind himself. I made my way through Lowtown to the docks and finally inside of the compound. I made my way to my cot and sat down on it, closing my eyes briefly as I let myself fall to my side and glanced around at the others nearby. They put me with their Sarabaas, due to the fact that I am a mage. The Qun was strict on me, though I was seen as a valuable adversary to them. So I managed to avoid the fate of losing my voice and free will forever. I closed my eyes as I shifted onto my back and slowly fell asleep.

My mind had wandered back to the days when I was a slave child. Feeling my arms being chained tightly, cutting against my wrists as I was loaded into the back of a wagon with several other slaves. I was placed next to an older elven slave, who gently nudged my left arm and as I looked up at her I could see just how tired she was. "It's going to be alright, you'll see."

"I want to go home..." I couldn't help the sniffle that left my lips as tears brimmed in my eyes, turning to look around for any sign of my family. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as if I had all the energy in the world before a wave of anxiety bit into my nervous system.

"Listen to me, little one." The woman began and I turned to look at her, hands in my lap as she continued to speak. "Always keep your home in your heart for one day you will return. You will go home one day." She smiled at me and I nodded through my tears as I scooted closer to her, leaning against her for warmth as I looked at all the other weary faces from the elves.

"Where are they taking us?"

"Away." A male slave said, eyes never wavering from the ground. "Far far away."

I awoke with a start, feeling sweat weighing heavy on my brow as I barely controlled my breathing. These nightmares haunted my every dreaming hour, closing my eyes tightly as I recalled the last days I had seen my family before I was taken. Losing them felt like losing a part of me, though I had forgotten about it for a while before suddenly remembering. I wanted to go home, to see the family home once again, but the pit in my stomach told me I would never see that house again.

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ