Chapter 25- What Happened Before They Met....

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(Anders) (before Hawke and Company knew her.)
Sighing and standing up from the smaller form, I looked up to be met with a pair of confused (e/c) orbs. She waved slightly, "Hello. You're the healer here in darktown, right?"

I nodded calmly as I watched her, "Yes.... Why?"

"Well, my Templar-"

"What?!" My back straightens and my eyes widen, "Why would you assume I help Templars?!"

"One reason, one only..." She raised her right hand and a flame appeared on it, "He's helping us mages out. I'm not the only one to vouch for him. Ask a few hundred mages..." She smiles, wearily watching for my reaction and shifts slowly to her left, allowing a limping templar to lean on her for support. "I've lost too much of my strength getting him to safety to be able to heal him fully on my own. Please..."

The templar collapses to his knees as the woman carefully comforts him, "(Y/n)?"


"I'm going to die, aren't I?" He looks away, his eyes growing heavy as a sigh left his body.

"Not if I can help it!" She replied, shaking him slightly to keep his drooping eyes from closing as she turned to look at me once again, pleadingly. Her (h/l) (h/c), falling over her shoulders softly into her face. I sighed and smiled a bit.

"Help me get him on the table and I'll see what I can do..." I said, pointing to the table in front of me.

"Thank you, I'll repay you when I can!" She smiled widely.

"Hey, (Y/n)? Err... ma-"

"It's fine. You can call me by my name." She smiled softly. She looked down at the male and let her hand rest on the left side of his face. "Parker and I are leaving Kirkwall for a bit, is that alright with you?" The Templar looked her in the eye. His hair was chocolate brown, and his eyes were the color of blue that made someone wish they could drown in them. (So me core)

I shook my head as I watched the man nod slowly to her, grimacing after a moment when his pain started to come back. "Alright." I started to heal him. The man watched me anxiously, body tensed slightly as his nerves raced.

"Blaze." She started, her voice dropping to a scary low growl, "It's fine." Her voice was softer now that she lifted his hand in hers. Turning her to me briefly, "Just please." She squeezed his hand in hers gently. "Take care of him, I don't know what I'd do without him. And Blaze?"

"Yeah, oww!"

"Sorry," I apologize.

"Please, don't get yourself hurt. I couldn't bare the thought of living without Parker or you....." She sighed and set his hand back down by his side as she hugged herself, the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Done," I said, after finishing healing him to the best I could do and he sat up as much as he could to pull the woman into his chest as he held her.

"(Y/n), I'd give my life to keep you happy and with your aid, or just you," They chuckled together, "Then the mages will be fine. With you, they've a reason to rebel when it's needed. And I can't make that a promise unless you do."

"I promise," They said at the same time, and she hugged him back before he laid himself back down.

"Oh! What should I pay you?" She turned to me and smiled.

"I- no no, I do this for free.." I smiled back, "He's not gonna, you know.... Turn me in, is he?"

"And what? Send you to Rivain? Oh and with a tattoo on your forehead. being tied up to the teeth?" She smirked, hands going to her hips as she stood up. Suddenly the glint of a silver Warden emblem shown brightly around her neck.

"How did you? Wait.... Warden Commander Amell?"

"If I may," She started, "Quote something of yours? 'Uhhh.... I didn t do it," She said, waving her hands the way I did when we first met. She smiled widely, "Hey Anders..." She smiled, her face relaxing as she fiddled with her hands nervously. "It certainly has been a while..."

"Yeah, it has been. Your name is, (Y/n)?" I shift slightly, watching her.

She nods happily, "Yeah! It is! Wait...I never told you? Maker.... Must've tried to be more brooding back then?"

"You started brooding? I should have stayed with you..." The brunette started slowly.

"You aren't a warden, it wouldn't work... Trust me...." She smiled softly. "And with what happened you wouldn't be able to handle what happened after the blight."

"And the dreams and visions of the archdemon are haunting." I added for her.

"Yeah..." Her eyes darkened, remembering those nights by the fire with Leliana where she would often share her doubts and fears to her.

She straightened her back and shook her head, "Thank you, Anders. This means everything to me. We'll take out leave then.. Ready Blaze?" He nods as she helps him sit up and stand, sending me one last smile as I wave goodbye. She nods and they start to leave.

(Three months later- Anders)
I walked along with Hawke, looking around. My eyes traveled to the Qunari compound to see a girl with (h/c) hair. She was talking to the Arishok and she leaned against another Qunari. Upon spotting us the Arishok stood abruptly and silenced her, pointing towards us. She turned towards an approaching Hawke and she glared at us all. Hawke walked next to her and talked about Javaris.

The she-elf scoffed, "You really thought that defeating the rivaling race would give you the powder? Your kind disgusts me..." She turned and walked up to the Arishok, sitting down on the top of his chair behind his head and smirking down at Hawke, "However... You should still get paid for your valiant efforts... Javarus? Be a good dwarf and pay the group..."

The Arishok said nothing, man what trust he has in this elf, I thought slowly. She jumped down and approached Hawke, turning to the Arishok, "Well... I'm on my way then. I have to find my family, but are you sure I can-"

"Leave," The Arishok said.

She flinched at his words, but nodded slowly. "Of course, and if I find them?"

"That is up to you, what you do when they are found..."

She scoffed, "It always is, always the second hand soldier to the job...." She walked away, anger filling her face. As soon as she left the compound she sighed, turning to us, "Hey there... Is there any questions you have about..... that..." She gestured with her hands back at the compound. "At all?"

"Who are your family members? Maybe we can help find them?" Hawke asked softly.

"Yeah, can't be too hard right?" Bethany asked sweetly.

"Thank you for the offer, but I must do this alone. Hey maybe we will see each other again, if so.... I would be glad to offer my sword to your aid and cause." She bowed and turned away and began sprinting towards Lowtown. Even in the darkness.

(When they meet- Bethany)
"Sister, how long until you think that elf will appear again? And why are we having her join us?" I asked softly.

"Beth, she might be able to help us more than you think, right Anders?" Hawke asked, turning to the mage.

"Yeah, the Warden Commander is amazing, some of the rookies said she had demons, but I know that's a lie she never had them, never will."

*giggles) hi! Eren here! I've something to say, Well a few things actually......
-i'm pansexual.
- This book, is one of my top read. & I enjoy it!
-Any ideas for it? For any chapter?
That's all I wanna know or say, thank you.

2024 Update: Don't yap and overshare about yourself goofy. 

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