Chapter 27- Finding Out the Truth!

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I sat in my chair, awaiting the scolding arrival of Aveline or Hawke, but instead was met with a horrified look on (Y/n)'s face. "Varric! I have to tell you something!"

I nod, "What?"

"We're siblings!" She rushed out as Isabela raced in.

"Maker you're fast.." She muttered before she sighed and took a seat. (Y/n) growled at her and told me everything she could recall. And at first I couldn't believe her.

(Varric and Cassandra- Varric)
"So, you're telling me that you, a dwarf, is related to her, an elf?" Cassandra gave a look of confusion, but said nothing else.

"Can you not see the subtle look of resemblance, Seeker?" I point to the back of the house, "Just ask her, she'll tell you it's true... She remembers everything from then......" I sigh and put my hand down, "But alas, I wonder if she still wants to see any of us after what happened shortly after telling us....." I shook my head, I wouldn't.

"What happened, then?" Cassandra folded her arms across her chest.

"The Qunari attacked Kirkwall...."

(Alexander and (Y/n)- (Y/n)
"Wait, let me get this straight, you're an older sibling to a dwarf?" Alex asked, tilting his head, still sitting on the floor.

I nod towards Varric's locating, "Ask him then, if you don't believe me..."

Then I overheard Varric saying something, "But alas, I wonder if she still wants to see any of us after what happened shortly after telling us...." He said.

Alex heard it too, looking towards Cassandra and Varric, like ghosts we eavesdropped on their story. The two of us moved closer to the door, and opened it a peek listening to them slowly.

Cassandra folded her arms across her chest and asked, "What happened, then?"

Varric sighed, "The Qunari attacked Kirkwall....."

Alex turned to me, "Really? They attacked right after?"

"Yes, it turns out they had brought more people into the Qun and Aveline had taken Hawke to the compund and Isabela ran off with the 'Tome of Kuslun'. Which she had stolen from me." I sighed too loudly.

I heard Varric chuckle, "Heh."

I looked to him startled, he looked at us, Cassandra nowhere to be seen at all. ("Um, she's right behind me isn't she?" Ahh moment). I looked around and mouthed to him, 'Where'd she go?' But he nodded behind us. I looked, to see a disgusted Cassandra. I waved slightly, "Well, hello there, come here often?"

She smirked a minute, then shook her head, "Don't you have something else to be doing?"

I smiled, "Do I? I must have forgotten such a thing...." I stood up and sighed, "But a question before we continue?"

She nodded, "What is it?"

"Well, why are you making us tell you? Instead of looking for the others?" I asked, my head tilting to the side.

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