Chapter 5- Who's In Town?!

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After waking up from the nightmare I had eventually gone back to sleep and woke up to the smell of smoke. Not the normal kind from a campfire. I opened my eyes to be met instantly with brown eyes and brown locks of hair. I blinked a moment before realizing who and or what it was. It was a Templar, and not your average, "You're going to the circle," Templar.

"Blaze? Blaze Youi? What? Why? How?" I questioned.

"Look I know your tired, but I had to tell you something really important..." He paused a moment, a long moment. "She's in town..."

"Who?" I was still tired and didn't understand why he smelled so strongly of smoke, which he doesn't do. "Who's in town?"

(I finally made an OC to finish the trio for this book, I made him a while back and I forgot that when I wrote this book I used a character from an anime. Parker Miller, or in this case for the story plot Parker Llamar)

"She is!" A smaller person ran over, their black hair falling lightly over their eyes. I looked at him, "(Y/n)? Were you sleeping?"

"Yes." I turned and narrowed my eyes towards Blaze, lips pursed together. "Parker are you in the circle?" I glared at Blaze fully after I had asked.

"No, I'm not, but Anna's in Kirkwall, under the idea that someone has stolen away her little brother and you. She's saying that Blaze did it to put us into a chantry circle," Parker said.

"So... Let me get this straight..... Parker Llamar, (Y/n) Amell, And Blaze Youi, have been stolen away? And Blaze is the kidnapper?" I asked, still tired.

"Yes, you have to tell Leandra-" Parker started.

"She's at risk of being found if she leaves, I told the Arishok, and he wants you to stay here knowing your master won't come near here. And we can keep Parker hidden here with you, " Blaze spoke up loudly.

"What about you, Blaze? Won't she find you too?" I asked, no longer asleep.

"I've talked to Hawke, she said she can hide me in her home for the time being. Well, as long as I don't turn in her sister that is," He responded.

"You're a bad Templar anyway, you help mages not turning them in. Heh, now can we catch up on the past? I haven't seen you boys in a while." I looked at the gate, seeing Hawke and company, not including Isabela. They walked over to us.

"(Y/n)? Have they told you the news of your former master?" Fenris asked slowly, his head down slightly.

"No, they told me of their exploit down into the Deep Roads with the Grey Wardens," I giggled at the thought of that, as did Parker. Blaze just stared, his gaze soft, and set solely on me.

"So, are you able to leave the compound at all?" Bethany asked softly, "Or will we have to come here to see you?"

"That question is fodder, she is one of ours and she will not stand to be seen by you everyday. The way of the Qun-" The Arishok started, walking over.

"The way of the Qun states that I fight alongside my Karataam or die alone, Bethany and Hawke here are my Karataam. My family, and I will fight alongside them as is required of me," I argued in their defense.

All the Arishok does is smile a tiny smile, nod, and walk back to his seat. I was right though, the Demand of the Qun is clear. I am to fight for Hawke and when things hit the fan I am to join her in it. Just like I was told as a child, when I was actually first branded by King Cailen. A brand in the shape of mages, not the Chantry, but the symbol itself for mages was placed in Lyrium on my left wrist, "When winter arrives, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

I lived by that, since I was small and still I do. I have faith in what is right, now I have to avoid Anna Llamar until she leaves Kirkwall, 'This is gonna be a while.....' I thought to myself slow. But then again what was the harm in seeing her again? After all, she was the one who guided me to make my escape with the Qunari during the meeting. Hawke and the company had left temporarily and I gathered around with Parker and Blaze to discuss how things have been since we separated in Ferelden. Blaze had joined into the circle in the middle of the lake with Ser Cullen and was there when abominations swarmed the area during the blight. Parker was hiding low with the Free Marsh, Grey Wardens while trying to find a way to hide his trail from his family. He hated his family, his mother and father. He was still uneasy about his sister, but knew she had good intentions. And finally as the turn became mine I simply explained everything that I had gone through in the past year and a half since the blight began.

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