Chapter 2- Isabela and the Elf!

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We were standing outside of the room where Denarius was apparently hiding inside. Once the door was opened however, we were met with quite a sight! An Arcane Horror was floating just behind us. I turned and barely had time to react when hands snuck around my waist and tugged me backwards. Isabela pulled me behind her in a protective manner, and while everyone else fought the beast with the shades, she stood in front of me. Afterwards the elf said that he needed some air, and that there were probably valuables left behind for the grabs, but I really needed to get going, so I left along with the elf.

Just outside he stopped me, carefully grabbing a hold of my wrist, "Just who are you? And why is that woman so protective of you?"

"Isabela? She's always been that way with me, from the second we met in Denerium. She was kinder to me than anyone who could have owned me as a slave-" My voice wavered at the thought of being able to see Anna again. Would she even care to see me? I was so lost in thought I didn't hear the woman approach or even see the curiosity cross the elf's eyes.

"Ahem!" Isabela coughed, making the two of us know she was there, she walked up behind me and grabbed my right hand wrist, "This is my treasure that I stole from this house and I really must return her to the Qunari, before sun up. Or they may actually kill me." She laughed at that and dragged me along by my other wrist, I turned and watched Fenris tilt his head to the side and watch me be pulled away.

"Hah! They still might, Isabella." I added quickly as we rounded the corner and went down the stairs, laughing slightly at her.

"No kidding, huh? You think I could get them to pay me to leave you alone?" She asked, slowing down her walk to talk to me more casually.

"Never they'd tie you up and make you my slave," I giggled loudly.

"I would gladly be such a thing for you, but please don't collar me like a Qunari dog," She reasoned letting go of my hand to pretend to beg.

"Oh no, my dear! Collar and all!" I chuckled louder.

"At least I'd have you," she spoke up, walking closer and looking over my smaller frame.

The rest of the group coughed to let us know they were there, had caught up to us, and were listening the entire time. Hawke spoke up, "They may still kill Isabela? What do you mean? You belong to the Qunari (Y/n)?"

"Uhh... It's a long story, but yes I do. But I don't belong to anyone. But I should really be going, otherwise they may tear this city apart looking for me." I turned to the dark haired woman beside me. "Isabella?" With that I shrugged and turned around, darting down the street in the darkness. I could hear sudden movement behind me, and assumed that it was someone I knew, and I ran myself into a corner.

"So. Who might the lovely she-elf be?" An anonymous voice questioned into the crisp night air, "I'm sure the circle would love to have another elven mage," The voice continued after a moment, "Or should we give her to the slavers?" The person launched them self at me, and I flinched hard. Hands covering myself as I crouched down onto my knees.

"No! Don't!" Within a moment a Qunari sten grabbed the man by the back of his neck and snapped it within seconds, letting the body fall to the ground limply at my feet. As the Qunari began to turn away I slumped onto by legs and watched in shock as, not only did they know where to find me but they also knew when to intervene in my situations. I felt my heart racing in my chest as Isabella approached, kneeling down with her hands on my shoulders. Another figure emerged from behind her and waited quietly.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)? What just happened? Why is this man dead?" Isabela's voice calmed my speeding heart to a slow steady pace of beating.

"They were going to take me to the circle, and then he tried to grab me. I screamed and then one of the Qunari appeared and snapped his neck like a grapevine and... And..." I could feel my head starting to become light as she helped me to my feet. "And now..." My vision blurred and I didn't even have to finish my sentence as Isabela caught me as my legs gave out from under me, losing consciousness.

(Isabela's POV)
(Y/n) had past out, but not before I had caught her. The elf, Fenris, had walked a bit closer, "She is one of the Qunari?" I could see him loving over her features curiously before looking around us in the alleyway.

"Yeah, she is. What's it to you?" I questioned, eyes narrowed on him. He made me strangely uneasy, but then again I barely know the woman I've been throwing my life in front of for. Maybe it was because I didn't want to die, but maybe I just want her around me. She makes me feel comfortable. I watched him, waiting for a moment before he began to speak.

"If you go to the Qunari, and if what she said was true then they'd kill you and take her. I can take her to the gate, and you can walk her to the docks, and we take a turn doing something to get her back there safely. And without either getting harmed. Does that sound good to you?" He had asked.

"Actually, it does, but you be careful with her. Do you understand? I can't have her getting hurt." I grumbled lowly. I felt like I loved the woman, but another part of me felt as though it was more familial and protective than romantical.

"Yeah," Was all he said, before we started walking down to the docks.

(Y/n)'s POV)
I awoke to the sight of my fellows, the Qunari. So Isabella got me home alive and unharmed, I sat up and rubbed my head. I swung my legs over the edge of the cot and shook my head before standing up and walking over towards the Arishok, "Hello and good morning,"  Was all that I said to him, before heading for the gates. I nod to the guard and sneak out and into the docks. I find Hawke talking to the elf from yesterday, and Isabela doesn't look too pleased about it.

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