Chapter 10- A Patrol In Lowtown and A Surprise!?

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*Screw it! This is a ...... I'm not even sure anymore! I type the first words that enter my mind and then the chapters are born! W-what do you think about them? - Eren*

2024 Update: I think that 2018-2019 me was an idiot.

(Y/n)'s Pov)
I glanced out of the Hanged Man, after Aveline and I shared the moment in Varric's suite, and being asked by one of the guards to look into something with him, I reluctantly accepted. Aveline wished to come along, but the guard said it would, 'Rouse suspicion.' I dragged Varric with me, so that I wasn't completely alone. He was one of the best dwarves, by far, that I have met in all my years, who could make the best jokes. "The trio, two guards and one storyteller, walked along the streets of Lowtown. One guard was stifling laughter at the storytellers narration," Varric narrated slowly. I was the guard stifling their laughter, the other guard seemed to grow more annoyed by the minute.

"Soo...... Aveline, what does she like? What kind of peop--" Guardsman Donnic started, getting cut off.

"Sorry Donnic, but Aveline is mine. But if somethings happens between us I am sure that you would make her just as happy." I answered honestly, tone as even as I could make it.

He raised his hands, anxious at my words, "Sorry, sorry! I-I didn't know you two were together."

"It was a today kind of thing actually." I answered casually, hands adjusting my clothes.

"Andraste's ass (Y/n), you must have nearly scared the piss out of him....." Varric started, before breaking into laughter. I took notice in his words and chuckled along with him, shaking my head.

Guardsman Donnic had, had, enough, "Would you two please just be serious for one more time?" At the continuation of the Donnic jokes he threw his hands into the air and scolded us. "Look into this abandoned building on your own then!" With such, he left the to of us standing there alone to calm down overtime.

I look to Varric, "Wow, what a weak-link. Well the abandoned building is just up ahead, you coming?" He nods, then pauses.

"Hey, Lass?" I nod, "What did you say that, 'Anna Llamar,' character looked like?"

I look to where his eyes sat, standing there, just outside the building I was to look into, was none other than my former master, "Sweet Andraste, I'm gonna ge-" Hands covered our mouths.

"Shhhh, (Y/n), it's me....." a voice mutters compliantly. Another tells him to shut up.

"Blaze? Parker? Parker?!" I whisper-yell, "We have to get out of here. Now... Anna's down there..." I looked back and she looked towards us, but missed us by an inch as someone I thought would never do something like that walked up to her and spoke silently to her. They nodded to us to get out of there, which I silently complied, 'Oh, Maker, thank you Fenris.' I walked slowly down the alleyways, we crept closer and closer to the docks, but paused just before.

The next sound scared me witless. A voice came from just behind me, like an inch away from my neck and beside my ear. My eyes widened as I visibly jumped, "Holy-" They covered my mouth. I looked intently into the eyes of none other than Fenris.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his usual voice wavering a bit slightly, "Did she see you?"

"No, I- no, I don't even think she knew we were there. I think you caught her off guard..." I look away, then back to his face, "Thank you, Fenris. It means a lot to me..." I hug him gently, and after a moment feel two strong, yet warm, arms wrap around me.

"Of course, you know we would do anything for you." He spoke. The way he said, 'you,' made you feel different. A good different, this was indeed, your little band of three. After a moment, the two of us part from the hug, I smiled and turned to Parker.

I look at Blaze, "Parker will stay with me tonight at the compound. Please tell Hawke, I wouldn't desire to have her worry. And Blaze, don't ever touch me with your filthy Templar hand's again, got it?"

He smiles and nods slowly, "You love me anyway, but the two of you should go so you're not discovered out here... Fenris, want to help me tell Hawke?" They leave, leaving Varric, Parker, and I alone in the darkness.

"Lass? I will tell Aveline, don't worry..." He said and started to walk away. Parker left to go inside the compound.

"Varric?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He hummed.

"There's going to be bloodshed soon, I can feel it. The Arishok won't wait forever. And when the time comes, I will have to chose a side. His or Hawke's. Don't... Don't tell anyone yet... okay?" I ask, feeling the cold night air on my nose and running along my arms.

"Of course Lass, anything for you..." He smiled into the darkness and walked off, leaving me alone.

I cringed inwardly, "Damn you Varric!" It came out as a more of a giggle instead. I walked slowly towards the gates when suddenly I am lifted into the air by a pair of strong arms.

"Don't mind if I kidnap you, right?" I know this voice.

"Isabela........" I sigh in between a soft laugh, "I have to go, Anna almost saw me earlier on my patrol."

"I know, I know, but can I tell you something?" She paused, setting me on my feet.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, it involves Aveline. And you will want to hear this..... I think she likes that Donnic guy..." she looked me right in the eye, "Yet I think she wants to have both of you behind the other's back......"

"I-I you're not joking with me right?" I frown.

"No, lov-, (Y/n), I'm not..." She spoke, her voice dying down, "Crap...... Looks like Fenris wants to make sure your in the compound....."

"Duh..." I stated bluntly.

"Oh Andraste..." She whispered, "That is one angry Elf side by side with one angry Aveline." She looked away, then to face me, "I-"

"Run, just run. Or they will catch you..." I spoke, pushing her into the shadows.

"(Y/n)? Are you still out here? We need to talk...." Aveline.

I shifted slightly, which caught the attention of someone other than Aveline, it was Fenris. He snuck away from her and behind me, all without me noticing. For a dwelf I look pretty daft.

"(Y/n), Why are you still out here?" Fenris' voice was scolding, I turned towards him.

"I'm sor-" I was cut off. He held me in a tight embrace and didn't let go.

"Look, if your master finds you, you'll be taken from us. None of us could bear that, I couldn't." I looked up to his face, his head rested gently on top of my head, "We couldn't bear it if you left us..."

"Fenris..." I shift slightly, to where I can hug him back, "No matter what, I'm not leaving. I won't leave any of you, you're all my Karataam." He tenses and releases me slowly.


" Fenris? Have you found her?" She asked, walking over.

We moved apart, "Hey, what is it?"

"Did Isabela speak to you? At all?" She asked.

"No, why? We haven't talked since earlier today..." I lied, I hated it, but still she was my friend.

"Oh, okay, well goodnight then..." Aveline stated and walked away.

"You lied," Fenris stated, not surprised at all, "Not too bad either. I almost believed you. Had I not just seen Isabela's arm. Go into the compound, get some sleep, meet me by Aveline's office with Hawke tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright...." And with that he leaves me alone. I dart into the compound and land, sadly, on top of on of the many Stens in the group. I run over to Parker and lay down in my old cot next to the ravenette, "Goodnight Tevinie." He curls into my arms as he sleeps soundly. And I find my eyes pulling me into a lulling sleep.

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