Chapter 3- Story Time!

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(???'s POV)
She's here, I can tell. Her blood leads me straight here, near he Qunari Compound, though I wouldn't dare approach it directly, I must find a way to get to her without being detected and called out. I cannot afford for her to confront me face to face like this. Not now.

(Y/n) Amell; born in a city just outside of Denerium.

Current Status: Alive and well.

I do not know what she is doing today so I start looking for someone by the name of Isabela, but as I spot her I see that she doesn't look so pleased. I then turn my gaze to the gates to see just whom I'm looking for, and when she walks out, I run up to her with a quick and loud, "Message for you! Miss Serah Amell correct? Message from you Aunt," I said giving her the message.

"Oh, um? Thank you serah, you may leave now," She spoke softly as she took the letter into her hands. I bowed and took my leave.

(Y/n)'s POV)
I stared down at the letter, who would have sent this? I look up to see Rivaini yelling at Hawke, I see that something happened yesterday. I wonder what. I questioned to myself and the demon twins.

I'm not sure Mistress Nina answers slowly, Perhaps we should ask?

No way, she's angry. Let us leave her to find you, it'll be better that way! Zephyr answered, like a kind steward.

Good call, Zephyr, Nina replied as I nodded to myself, opening the letter to read it. A letter from Aunt Leandra, telling me of my Uncle's late departure and Carver's death on their way to Kirkwall. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I continued to read the letter while making my way up to Lowtown. As I finished the letter it told me where to find them. Living next to the Hanged Man is quite valuable information for me to use. As I rounded the corner and began ascending the stairs I could hear soft bickering from inside the building. Gamlen lives in a shithole like this now?


"Isabela!" Hawke called out loudly.

"No, Hawke! I care deeply for this one! And you're telling me that she's going to make me too soft?! I'm going back to he Hanged Man!" Isabela, literally, roared and walked to the Hanged Man.


I reached my hand up and racked my knuckles against the wooden door, jolting slightly when Hawke opened the door. How had she gotten here before me? "Hello, (Y/n), how may I help you?"

"May I speak with Leandra please? It's urgent." I asked, my voice soft and sweet. Maybe Uncle Gamlen will hear it and come over.

"My mother isn't here at he moment, I am sorry. Is there anything else you need?"

I sighed loudly, "Is Gamlen Amell here? Or is he gone too?"

"No, he's here," Bethany said, pushing Hawke out of the way, "Would you like to come in?" She asked, her voice sweet.

"Yes, thank you," With that I walked inside and the second when Gamlen saw me, I swear by Andraste's blood he cried.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) Amell? Is that actually you?" Gamlen asked, his voice cracking slightly.

"No, this is an abomination speaking through your niece, of course it's me!" I shouted softly.

"You aren't a demon though, are you?"

"You're missing the point, but whatever. It's nice to see you again after what? Roughly five to thirteen years now? At least say that you missed me even a little." I mumbled.

"Miss you? Me? Gamlen Amell? You were the only person in this family that understood me! Missing you is an understatement!" He scolded, very harshly.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to stay away!" I muttered almost inaudibly as I stepped back a little, raising my hands in surrender.

"Uncle? How is she your Niece?" Bethany and Hawke questioned slow.

"I can answer that," Leandra's voice piped in softly, as she pushed past the two Hawkes, "We have a younger brother, and he was a half elf. He fell in love with a dwarven noble and they had her. He wrote to me when she was born, when I had just ran away with your father. Gamlen and I showed up to see her, but she was different from both parents." She looked at me, and I nodded slowly for her to continue. It's the only way they may yet understand me.

"She was corrupted by the blight, yet there was nothing afflicted nearby. We still don't know how or why she was, she just simply was. She was born with a unique magical ability. She is able to use her magic to shape-shift into many different forms to which the likes the world has never seen before. Two desire demons appeared and offered to save her from the corruption, but for a price." She looked at me again and I opened my mouth to continue the story.

"Their names were, Zephyr," She appeared to my left, "And the other was, Nina," She appeared to my right. "They are twin demons. They look grey due to their uncanny nature and my dashing good looks." They watched Zephyr smirk and roll her eyes while Nina could only shake her head. "They resemble life and death for me," They disappeared again. "They are what helps keep me alive. From falling apart. Take it as you will, but fate called for that." I looked to the door, seeing every one of Hawke's companions there listening intently, then there was Isabela, sitting on the floor cross-legged. I continued, "It worked for a while, but at the age of ten, Tevinter Slavers had found out about me being a wolf, which told them of my unique ability to change forms at will, they took me and sold me off for a single gold, to the Llamar family. And they hated me, but their daughter. Anna. She was always so kind to me. She was the kindest person I knew, and one day she told me to poison her parents. And so I did. I poisoned them that very night." I looked at Leandra and then to the floor, "A few years after and I was sitting on the floor in the conference room in Seheron. The Qunari to my front, Anna in a chair to my left. And a Magister named; Damian Drew to my right. I asked upon the Qunari to attack and I'd join them..."

"So they did, they attacked everyone, and (Y/n) here joined them. They took her in and used Lyrium to brand a familiar crest into her back. The Amell crest to be exact," Isabela continued for me. "But I still wonder to this day where the one on your neck came from."

"Yes, and I stayed with them a while, and when we went to Denerium I got word from Leandra that Lothering was destroyed, and that's also where I first met Isabela here," I placed my hand on top of her head I looked up, "But that's enough story time for today. I don't.." A sigh left my lips and I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." My voice had softened as I realized the darkness that had taken the place of the day.

They all nodded, "It's night, you should probably be getting back....." Gamlen started, sadly. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him and Leandra before exiting the house and beginning to walk back towards the docks with a feeling of unease as though I was being watched.

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