Chapter 16- Siblings?!

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*Honestly, I had time today at home to type, so I'm taking it! I've noticed this is my most read story, so I'm focusing on updating this one, but if you want... let me know... and I'll spend time working on the other stories as well! Thank you! -Eren*
I was walking down towards the Hanged Man when I noticed Fenris leaning on the outside next to the door while Varric stood in front of him. I smirked, if I pull this off right, I could get back at the both of them by spooking them like they had a while back. I crept slowly, as they still were oblivious to my presence. Ready to jump I launched, "Boo!"

Varric and Fenris jumped, but Varric yelled out, "Maker! What in Andraste's name!? (Y/n)!?"

"Haha! You two should see your faces!" I laughed out, hand on my chest as I tried to stifle my laughter, "I'm sorry, Fenris, but it was payback for Varric scaring me!" I giggled looking around. I noticed a hooded figure looking towards me, but I couldn't tell who.

Varric noticed my staring and he too looked. He felt my unease about them and spoke up, "Come on, Cupcake, let's go inside... Comin Broody?"

I giggled and Fenris growled, "For the last time Dwarf, I. Do. Not. Brood."

I giggled louder, "Yes you do! You just don't ever notice it!" I saw the figure begin to walk towards us and Fenris finally noticed them. He grabbed my arm lightly, and tugged me into the tavern. Once inside my eyes landed on Isabela, whom looked as if she were drinking away her sorrows, Fenris nudged me forward and I approached her slow, "Hey Isabela?" I looked at her, and her gaze slowly ran to me.

"Yes, Cupcake?" She asked, her voice wasted in the sound of kindness.

"Why do you always come here to drink? Isn't there elsewhere to go?" I asked, my head tilting slightly.

"Oh, Cupcake. You've been here in Kirkwall longer, haven't you? You should know..." Isabela stated, bluntly.

"Actually, no. I came with the Qunari remember? I was here after you, so you should know..." I said, raising my arms for a hug.

She smiled at me, "Oh look how cute you are!" She grabbed me and hugged me for about a minute or so, then let me go, "Who's the hooded figure, staring knives into your back, Cupcake?" I shook my head.

"I'm not sure, but I noticed them outside the Hanged Man, it's as if they... Want something that I have..." I looked at Fenris, whom was glaring at the figure. The figure began to move towards me. Isabela took notice and acted as if there was something behind me she needed to grab. She tugged me behind her and put on a defensive move.

"Hey! What do you want?" She asked the figure they pointed at me slowly, they were hesitating. "Why do you want her?" They slowly reached for their hood.

"(Y/n)?" It was Aveline, "Isabela release the girl!" She growled at Isabela. Boy oh boy do these two hate each other with a passion.

The hooded figure stopped reaching for their hood, and instead pulled out a piece of paper and began writing a small note as quickly as they could, but keeping the handwriting recognizable. They handed the note to me along with a quill, and I took it slowly. I peered down at the note to read the following:

I know you might not know me, I was born after you had gone and became a slave. I have a twin sister and we wished to meet you in person. My name is, Zenfir and my sister's name is Lucy, Mistress (Y/n)? I'm your little brother, Zenfir Amell. I know you don't believe me, but I have proof.

Your, our, mother killed herself shortly after we were born. Father said it was because she missed you greatly, and couldn't live without you. I hope you choose to believe me, my sister and I are more Dwarven than elven so I am short and look more like a dwarf.

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