Chapter 26- "Abomination, Where's (Y/n)?"

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I awoke hearing the sound of movement, my first instinct? To reach for my lover, but when I did she was gone. I sighed as I rolled over. She must have gone home early... I thought sitting up.

I hear the door open, or maybe she just got to it. Hawke walked in, "Fenris.... Where is (Y/n)? I haven't seen her and she said she'd be home early."

I shook my head, "I'm not sure, I just woke up....," It confused me, "I thought she was with you..." I suddenly felt my veins burn with the realization that she was missing and shot up and grabbed my sword, placing it onto my back. "Well? Are we looking for her or not!"

She nodded and we darted past Merril. She grumbled and shouted aloud, hands cupped over her mouth. "I saw her in darktown!" Hawke and I stopped dead track.

"What?" We asked as she caught up to us.

"I saw her in Anders' apothecary, they were talking I don't know what about though...." Merril shivered a bit.

I shook my head violently, "She knows I hate that mage!" I growled, the Lyrium starting to glow.

"Fenris, focus... She could be hurt... We have to look." I nod to Hawke and the three of us run to the Hanged Man, where we gathered everyone, yet one was missing. It put me in a fit of rage. Anders.

"Fenris? To Darktown now?" Isabela asked, "I love her still, and I'd lose myself if we lost her..."

I nodded and we darted towards Darktown, passing by Gamlen and a laughing girl.

I walked by Gamlen and turned towards the sound of a group running towards us. I saw their faces and couldn't help but to laugh aloud. I knew why they were searching, it was for me.

I sighed, turning to my Uncle, "Well better scare them less, right?" He nodded laughing.

"How'd they not see you?" He asked, walking away.

I smiled. I'm not sure, I told a laughing Zephyr and Nina.

That's sad, save your lover from killing the already hated mage! Zephyr yelled at me.

Right! Nina and I thought together.

I moved quickly after the group taking a shortcut and making it to Anders first, "Hey mage!"


"You're about to be stormed by Hawke and Company..."

"Your cause again?" Anders looked up, smiling.

"Oh absolutely. I'm starting to think it's my job at this point..." I smirk and lean against the wall nearest one of his patients. I began healing them just as Hawke and Company ran inside.

"Anders! Where is my lover!?" Fenris growled. It made me flinch, yet Anders looked to me for help.

"Hello Fenris!" I smiled, sweetly as I walked into view. I could see him calm down enough for the glowing to dim yet not disappear. He approached me quickly and hugged me tightly. I smiled wider, "Fenris?"

"Never again, (Y/n). I don't like that, we were worried for you." He kissed my forehead and I giggled.

"I love you, Amatus!~" I felt him flinch and he moved away from me.

"What? Why would you say that!" He growled, crossing his arms. The glowing brightened.

"Well, I'm sorry! You be a slave your entire life and it kind of grows on you." I waved my arms wildly at my side, "I help a friend! And you scold me, you gonna scold me too, Hawke?!" I walked past Fenris, hitting my shoulder with his, and he flinched via contact. I walked out of the place and over to Gamlen's house. I knocked on the door a bit angrily, "Hey Gamlen?"

A Lost Faith (Fenris x Hawke' s Cousin! Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें