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What was the Elanor twin doing riding around in Button Dudley's truck? Had Estill given her the vehicle?

Hadley had the copy of the essay in her front seat. As she drove the short distance home, these questions kept eating at her.

What had caused Button to run down the street like a madman?

Why was he buried under the cover of night with only a handful of the Ancients standing by?

Where was the preacher?

Why hadn't he been buried on his land as was the custom of so many of the old-timers?

Was it any of her business?

She parked the car and got out.

"Shoot," she said, opening the door to retrieve the essay.

What was it about these two papers that intrigued her?

She fired up her computer. While she waited, she brewed herself a pot of strong coffee. Both were ready about the same time.

Onus was somewhere in the back part of the house. Sometimes, when he wanted to make himself scarce, it was like living alone. The house was too quiet. Hadley brushed off the uneasy feelings that were nipping at the edges of her nerves.

She poured herself a huge mug of steaming goodness. Googling the name Chandra, Hadley learned what it meant.

"I wonder what Dara means?" Hadley muttered, typing in the name. "Umm. Well, let see what Elanor means."

Hadley typed in the letters.

Hadley got a pencil and piece of paper. She wrote the following:

Chandra = shining moon Elanor = star sun

Dara = star Elanor = star sun

Alswyth had given her twins beautiful names, Hadley decided. She printed out the first essay and compared it to the second.

What was it? She wondered.

There was something there.

After an hour of coming up with nothing, Hadley decided to call it a night. She left the door to her bedroom open because she was sure Onus would find his way to her bed to snuggle up before morning.

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