[ little priest ]

646 7 40

Featuring Priest!Michikatsu and Satan himself; Muzan Kibutsuji :) I'm sick in the head
- fluff and smut
- modern AU
- trans!michikatsu/kokushibo (afab)
- I'm so going to hell for this
- shit
- monster cock
- degradation kink
- fingering
- BDSM themes
- edging
- overstimulation
- rough sex
- bruising/biting
- cream pies
- brief mention of pregnancy
- inaccurate religious stuff
- public sex

Left alone to ponder, Michikatsu stands at the podium after a church service.

Admiring the lord on the cross behind him for a brief moment, he places the good book in one hand and his coffee in the other.

He's exhausted after a day of work and sure as hell- ahem, h-e- double hockey sticks- doesn't want to return home to see his perfect brother doing nothing and being praised for it.

His parents put all of their effort into their good faith and his, once proud to see their son preaching at their local church, but since Yoriichi had returned things became so distant and strained.

Michikatsu wishes desperately, he prays, even, that jealousy will not overtake him. That he will be able to push past this rivalry even if he could swear he'd done nothing wrong.

He feels a gush of cold wind and his breath gets stuck in his throat, he turns to see all of the windows still tightly shut.

An aura overcomes the priest as he can do nothing but grasp the holy book and pray for the presence to leave, but apparently he can't pray hard enough.

His eyes eventually peel open to see red ones meeting his. It's... a man. With large horns adorning his crown, yes, but he's beautiful with silk robes and a kind demeanour.

He suddenly feels sick.

He drops his drink onto the freshly waxed wooden floors.

"W- who are you? Church is closed," He struggles to get it out, overwhelmed by something he can't explain and maybe doesn't want to.

"I know," He says softly, simply, and he sounds like an angel, "And I think you already know my name,"

Michikatsu freezes. He can't help but ogle a while longer before pulling away and silently praying for him to leave.

"I can feel that," He laughs softly, pale skin a healthy red around his cheeks, "Your staring. You're rather cute for a priest, no?"

A hand comes to cup his cheek and he's done for, he can feel warmth and is sure he'll be met with the flames of hell next- but is instead met with a hand on his and a kiss to his knuckles.

"So beautiful- would you mind if I asked you something? It's perhaps a little inappropriate, since we're only just meeting," The priest nods stiffly, but the stranger can feel the curiosity radiating off of him.

"What do you desire most deeply, man of god? What do you wish for that praying will not satisfy?" His words are slippery, his tongue familiar with the words gracing his own mouth, and yet unable to stop the enjoyment he's getting from this little interaction.

He's completely taken aback, forgetting everything but the stranger, the moment he's living in, in the heat of it all. He wants to be honest, wants to spill his guts to a creature he can't comprehend, and he doesn't know why.

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