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As I stand outside the door of my parents' house, a wave of nostalgia and comfortability embraces me in a warm hug. I missed home. more than I'd like to admit. Above the Spanish styled home were two flags: the flag of Spain, and the flag of Paris.

Grabbing my house key, I unlock the door and waltzed in. I look everywhere, glad that I was finally here in the place that I grew up in. locking the door behind me, I drop my bags near the entrance, then took off my shoes.

" Mamá? Papá?" I called out, my brows furrowed. I could've sworn their cars were parked in the garage.

Just as I was about to search for my parents, loud voices come from behind me. " Surprise!" They shouted.

I jumped, whirling around with my hand placed on my heart. I sigh in relief, seeing mama, papa, my brother, and my uncle cayden. " You guys scared me," I say, laughing loudly as they came from out of the kitchen.

Mama sat down the large cake on the countertop, wiping her hands on her jeans. She giggled, kissing the top of my forehead, " We know, that was the point."

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her. " Salut maman, c'est bon de te voir."
( french: Hi mom, it's good to see you.)

She kissed my cheek as she let go, smiling brightly. " Ma belle fille! it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you."
( french: My beautiful girl!)

Papá was next in line to get his hug, his curly hair in a tight fitted bun. He bends down to hug me, kissing my forehead over and over again. " Long time no see phat phat!"

I laughed, his overly buff size towering over mine. " Hi papá!"

' Phat Phat' was a childhood nickname my dad gave me ever since I was little. Apparently when I was a baby I was very chunky, that's why I was given that nickname. And it just stuck from there.

He lets go, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a wad of cash wrapped in a rubber band. " This ya early birthday gift, so spend it wisely. Aigh?"

I nod my head with a beaming grin, taking the cash and putting it in my pocket. " Thank you!"

He kissed my forehead once more, " You know I gotchu, phat phat."

" Nigga move out the way! We all tryna get our hugs in!" Uncle Cayden grunted, pushing my father out the way and hugging me deeply.

" How you been girl? Haven't heard from you in a brick!" Uncle Cayden exclaimed, pulling away and getting a good look at me.

I giggled, " I know, I've been trying to focus on school."

He nodded, reaching in his pocket and putting another wad of cash in my hand. " Good, keep that way. Youn need no Nigga tryna fuck dat shit up, ya feel me?"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now