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" ... And then after the whole thing at the club went down she basically grabbed me and dragged me away like I was a fucking dog and I was like what the hell are you doing? Like you were just snuggled up on some other guy and now you tryna touch me? No thank you," Malea rambled, opening the bag of cold chips and handing it to me.

I lean back against my pillow, craning my neck in her direction. " You do realize Alyssa is the jealous type, right?"

She sighs, throwing her hands up. " Of course I know that!"

"  So, when you went up to that bodyguard and was flirting with him-"

" I wasn't flirting!" Malea says defensively, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

I slice my eyes in her direction, pointing a chip at her. " Could you let me finish?"

" Sorry, go on."

I sighed, popping a chip in a mouth then covered it with my hand. " All I'm saying is that every action has a reaction. And  when Lyssa saw you with that guy, she was upset. From what I can tell, she thought you two were together."

She huffed, " But I didn't do anything wrong,"

I hummed, setting down my chips on my lap. " Mhmm, just think about it like this. Do you remember how hurt you were when you saw Alyssa talking to some other guy in your face?"

" Yeah but-"

" And did you ever think that maybe her doing that was to get back at you for hurting her?" I cut off, tilting my head to the side.

She pouted, " You're supposed to be on my side,"

I shrugged, " I'm on no one's side. Like I said before, every action has a reaction."

Groaning, I watch carefully as she paced around the small medical room. " You're lucky you in the hospital right now,"

I bit back a smile, " You're only saying that because you know I'm right."

" Shut up and eat those cold ass chips," she says playfully, rolling her eyes.

Two chairs sat to my left, while Malea was pacing back and forth on my right. I remember when I woke up, and how the blinding lights seemed to blur together in a transparent way; and the monitors connecting to my IV kept beeping in a rhythmic tune. A nurse— who I assumed was doing her daily duties— waltzed in the room and almost dropped the clipboard in her hands.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now